Chapter 5c: Cerulean

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(P.S..... This chapter will be in three different point of views... So it might be a bit longer...)


After Lucky's proposal became viral at school and internet wise, let alone pretty difficult to top that. It became unbearable for Lucky the constant teasing from both Bluey and Bingo. As it has been going on for about a couple of days now.
"Bluey, for God sake... Stoooop! "
"Oh, Romeo...Romeo. Where for arth thy Romeo "
Bingo giggled and joined in. "Oh Romeo!"

These two are becoming annoying any second they are together.

"That's it, I am not speaking to any of you till the bus arrives" said Lucky. Hoping someway or the other it would make them stop.

Well, obviously it did not.

Not that he blamed them both. It was actually pretty surprising he even got to that part. Of course, if it wasn't for Mackenzie he probably would still be looking for different ways to woe her and nudge her to go the dance with him. Yet, it was pretty hard to deal with her half of the time. Specially, the fact that when they both disagree in something it went on with an ongoing fight until Bluey intervene and made everything better. Speaking of which, Bluey has always been there for both of them. That's why Chloe always came nagging and pulling ears at all of them when she noticed that Bluey was upset over something that either Judo, Mackenzie, himself or anybody in the matter fought over. It was typical for her to be involved with everyone, since in their younger days they hung out as a group afterschool or during the summer. She was the friend that has always been there within reach, a friend he subconsciously made as they grew older. A friend who for a time he liked her more, that is until he met Judo. She became valuable and precious to him, her feeling were vastly vulnerable to anyone. Bluey became close to whoever she talked to, and her feeling were exposed easily despite the fact she tried to hide them. That is the reason he really couldn't admit what she meant to him. It wasn't heartfelt feeling of love like he had for Judo or familiar feeling he had with his parents, but more like something he treasured dearly and wouldn't let it get damaged. Of course admitting in front of her was one thing, saying it to himself was another. He guessed it was those couple of time his parents looked over her when Bingo was sick and her father couldn't be with her, that he sympathize and grew this bond ship of friendship. Regardless, she became a valuable friend. Even with the constant teasing of both her sister and her, he really couldn't be mad at all.

"Oh, Romeo...Look who's there!" Bluey yelled, snapping him out of his inner monologue of memories.

"Blueeyyy!" they yelled in unison. Judo blinked and Lucky slowly turned in her direction. He felt a sudden turmoil and closed his eye shut. When he felt that turmoil he knew a fight was about to start. Usually, it ended when her punching his shoulder or a big smack in the head. Waiting for it to happen, he squeezed his eye shut and just waited. However, instead he felt a warm gloved hand involve his. Surprised, he opened his eyes and faced her. She was hugging herself, cheeks flushed and looking straight ahead.

"Bluey, we talked about this. You're still coming with me to the dance." she held up their linked hands. "Just because this blond idiot asked me, doesn't mean we aren't going together.

He snapped out of his daydream to acknowlodge the fact she just called him "blond idiot"

"Wait, did you called me a blond idiot"

"Um? Yea? or are you not blond?"

"'s beside the point. What I meant was the 'Idiot'part"

Judo looked at him, unfazed and head on. Those dark brown eyes questioning him if she was wrong in any way. Her gaze firm, a cold breeze brushed her curled bangs along her forehead. He loved gazing at her and the way her gaze was unfazed, but the fact that 'idiot' was involved...

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