Chapter 2B: Dark Indigo

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(P.S: From here on, the chapters may have two parts or more. Depending on the amount of p.o.v's there might be. Emphasis on the AMOUNT).


"Grrrrrr.... Stupid.... Hair..... ARRRRGHGGH!!!" grunted Max.
"Wrong side today?" Mackenzie teased.
"You....Nope, not gonna bother.... Today is the first day and nothing can go bad... I think?? Anyways, I will step into the 2nd grade and keep my cool"
"Riiiight, okay you do you then."
"Hey, you got to keep positive... Positive things may happen."
"Heh, sure. I'll keep positive that you're gonna get that brush stuck in your hair"
"No, I'm n-.... "
"See, totally positive that you were gonna get that brushed stuck in your hair.... ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO PUT THE GEL IN YOURSELF?!?!" noted Mackenzie. Now officially worried he might have trouble in his shoulders once again.
"May or may not have done it without permission?"
"I'm sorry okay? Look I'll make it up to you"

"Maaaaaaaxxxxx.MACKENZIE!!!!" Yelled Uncle Spots, " at this rate you are going to miss the bus. Your mom already called me twice. Your father made me promise I'll get you two up and going. And this is too early in the morning for me."
"We're coming uncle, I just can't find some papers I need!" Yelled back Mackenzie.
"You owe me something.... Hmmmm"
"Fine, I'll do the dishes. "
"Max, you can't even hold a plate without breaking it, let alone wash it." Scolded Mackenzie, "how about you cover me just in case I come home late from some where for about the rest of the school year? "
"How the hell...." Max stopped and cleared his throat after his older brother gave him a look. " how in the world am I going to cover for you, bro"
" well use your imagination or perhaps you wanna go to school having this brush stuck in your hair? " Mackenzie suggested.
Max frowned
Mackenzie stared, a smirk beginning to form.
Max scowled and stared back.
Mackenzie gave him 'the look'
Max backed down.
Mackenzie had won.
"Fine, I'll do it. Don't complain when I try and it backfires completely on you later."
"Well I suggest you do your job right... Unless.... This event happens again by 'accident'
" FINE, just PLEASE take it off"
After a couple of minutes, the brush finally came loose and they headed downstairs where their uncle was waiting with a glass of milk for each and  a bar.
"Really kids? Took long." He checks his watch. "Well guess, now you only have about 15 minutes to eat and brush teeth and .. "
He looks at the belonging that are in the floor and empty wrapper plus glass.
"Wow, they're fast. Hmmm guess I'll just give them two minutes more"
Once the said boys were done. They headed off. One towards the bus stop that'll take him to the school. While the Uncle took the smallest to primary school right around the corner. They said there good byes with Mackenzie reminding Max of their deal and a scoffing Max.
"Great, now to face the first day back" he murmured while pulling out his phone and scrolling, once he was close to the stop. The thing he hated about the first days were the heat. In the middle of summer and the fact that his hair was long wasn't helping. Honestly, it wasn't long but it wasn't the ideal type of hair to have for this weather at least. Let alone how thick it was and how black it got too.
"I hate it" he said
"Hate what exactly? " said a calm voice behind him.
"AHH!!!" He yelped turning around. "Oh god, it's you Chloe" he then said after realizing it was a friend of his. Well a friend he known for a while. Also, the friend of the girl he was interested in.
"Hmpgh, who did you think it was? We both know we were going to meet at the bus stop today anyways" she pouted "besides you're right, I wish I was meeting up with my BFF instead of you."
"Go figure"
"Anyways, hey..." he said wary of what he was going to ask next may be a little weird.
"Hey... Ohhhh did you let your hair grow longer this year"
"Umm yeah, thought I could give it a go? Although, I'm not even sure if I made a right choice."
"Jeez, this is why kids think your emo"
"Not you too Chloe, I had Indy last week telling me that the entire time"
"Ohhh, well good luck getting out of that mess too"
Mackenzie just shrugged just as the bus pulled up and Chloe pulled her phone out to check the time. Yeah, she's going to keep the time for the rest of the year. An organization freak she was. They formed a line to board and picked a seat in the back. He was going to sit behind her when she motioned to him to sit next to him and place their backpacks on the seat besides them.
"Huh, I thought you be saving a spot for Bluey" he said. Bluey, the friend that was more than that. The BFF of the girl he was just talking to and also the girl who had him tongue tie everytime she spoke to him.
"Well duh, of course I am. Although, it would also be nice to save the spot... " she said
"Oh, message from her" she checked it while Mackenzie just found a way to place the bags without them falling. "Huh?... Well I guess that space won't be empty for just yourself after all Mackenzie."
"Ohh, looks like Lucky manage to wake up early and catch the bus this morning" she said casually.
"Lucky? I thought he was going to the other school?"
"Nope. You're confusing him with the other neighbor of Bluey's"
"Am I? Huh, guess so."
"Yeah, when we came back from camp...Lucky came over to welcome us back as well as to  make us promise to walk with him to the bus stop every morning. Apparently, Judo's been acting extremely nice towards him and he's getting suspicious," she laughed " it's obvious that she like him but it looks like Lucky likes someone else"
At that comment he looked up and looked at her.
"What, what?"
" what do you mean? Do you think he likes Bluey?"
"Well, not really what I was saying or implying... But now that you mention it... Maybe?"
"... "
"Look, I'm pretty sure they are close friends...but why are you concerned about that? "
Shoooooot. If he was to tell her. There goes a chance he might have with Bluey. However, there was also a chance that if he told her how he feels about her BFF, any chance he has to talk to her might get ruined with her 'BFF protection instict' like she like to say.
" Ohhh, ummm just wondering. Wouldn't it be weird though. Specially if Bluey's involved... " he swallowed harshly. "I really don't want anything to make her sad either you know."
"Arrggghhh, I know!!!! I hate the idea too. Both of them are her friends and her neighbors. I really don't want to see her caught in the middle. Specially since Bluey's is the way she is. Peaceful, sweet and sincere..."she shrugged.
Mackenzie kept his mouth shut. One wrong word and he would be beheaded by her.
She kept talking and arguing her point that she shouldn't be involve in this idea. After a while, she just hmmphed and kept texting Bluey about Lucky.
He zoned out after he realized that the texting kept on going. It got him thinking about the conversation and how much it impacted him. The girl who took much of his thoughts. His blueberry fairy... He recalled the time when he realized his feelings. The way it made him feel. Butterflies surging and fighting among themselves. The way her smile was brighter than he imagined.
" kenzie... Zie... DEAR GOD MACKENZIE!!! " Chloe took hold of his sleeve and shook it.
"WHAT!!! "
"You know... That would've been helpful  30 sec ago." Chloe swatted his arm. "Anyways, what did you need me for? "
"Oh yeah, This is Bluey's bus pickup. She's going to board the bus"
As if in cue.... He heard her voice.
"Luckyyyyy!!! That is absolutely NOT what happened during the game! " she complained.
"Well if I recall, you had both Bingo and your mother acting like lions and your dad like a walrus"
"Will you STOP!"
"BINGO! " "LILA! "
He then saw her.
The girl who was his friend.
The same girl who had taken his breath away last year.
His blueberry fairy... Her smile radiant like the sun....
"Bluey!!!" Yelled Chloe, pointing to the bus seat next to them.
Her eyes followed the voice who had called her name.
He swallowed.
"Ah! There they are, Lucky. C'mon"
"Ha! Told you, you were going to deal with me a little longer"
"Hmmmmph, anyways.... Hey Chloe, Hey Mackenzie."
Chloe nudged him, as to signaling to move on to the other seat they had reserved as Lucky began to head onto the seat. He began getting up just about the time the bus driver decided it was time to move.
He got sit down by the movement of the bus....
"Ouch! "
"You know, you could've just said you wanted to sit with me after all"
When Mackenzie looked in their direction it was like his heart was stabbed multiple times.
Bluey must've been distracted to the point where she forgot to hold on to something and landed almost on Lucky's lap.
She was giving Lucky her cute scrunched up nose of annoyance, making the latter laugh and tease her. She then joined back on the teasing.
If Chloe's was sad and disappointed that she didn't get to sit next to Bluey on the bus for the first day of school... Mackenzie was double the sadness, disappointed, and annoyed at the fact that he had earned a cute look plus given the chance to sit with her and talk to her more.
P. S Author's note:
Hey guys,
Kitkats here!
I hope you enjoy this chapter and can excuse my grammatical errors as well. I am trying to keep my promise on updating twice a week and all. However, life and a part-time job plus reapplying to college has been a bit too much. Anyways like I previously said, I'll try to update twice a week. Usually in the weekdays since weekends I spend relaxing and eating as much as I can lol.
Any who, I'd appreciate the fact that you're still reading this and enjoying this crazy idea of mine.
Thank you once again and I'll be updating soon!!!!


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