Chapter 2a: Celeste blue

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"Heeeeeeey..... Wait for me!!!!" yelled Bingo while Lucky and Bluey raced to the bus stop right around the corner. Well however saw them run to the stop would assume they were running late (of course) and would look disheveled through the 'race course' (of course too!)

"Sorry Bingo, but this challenge had to be accepted otherwise I wouldn't hear the END OF IT" said Bluey.
" Well, admit it then. I won fair and square to the bus stop " said Lucky, motioning to the sign they were just standing at.
"Hmmmm, only if you admit that you actually like Judo and then I would agree you won fair and square" teased Bluey.
" Whaaaat!!!"
"It's true.... ADMIT IT..."
The argument continued once more and Bingo was done with it. However, something caught her eye. It seemed like two figures were headed this way. Two figures who looked oddly familiar and that there expressions looked like they were going to straight on behead someone.
"Ummmm, Bluey.... Lucky.... " she started.
"Hold on, Bingo! " both Lucky and Bluey said together.
Bingo slowly got closer to Bluey. As she inched closer the approaching figures began looking oddly more and more familiar. She eventually got terrified at how fast they were approaching and suddenly pulled her sisters sleeve.
"Bluey, Bluey, Bluey" she nagged pulling the sleeve, " there is something coming over here!!". She then motions with her finger and points in the direction. However, all three of them couldn't tell it was the parents they had just left behind. That and the fact that the sun was bright over head and made it difficult to see.


they all screamed scrambling to get ahold of each other while trying to get away too.
"Kid's calm down, calm down!" Soothed Chili, half out of breath and half concerned.
"Hahaha, are we that scary mates?" Laughed Bandit. Chili threw him a look and he immediately stopped laughing. 

"I'm sorry kiddos, we just wanted to reach to you guys to give you a little 'good luck kick' and hope for the best." 

"Thanks mum, but next time can you please not start running like it was the Zombie apocalypse?"

"She's right Mrs. and Mr. Heeler, it was scary like the time you guys were playing Asparagus in the backyard years ago.

"Lucky, you PROMISED you wouldn't mentioned that at all." said the four in question.

"Heh, I mean it was funny. Weird, but funny"

"Aughrsh, all right. Anyways Mum and Dad, well you kind of rushed your way here to give us two...or three a good luck kick. Ummm, is that now or when the bus gets here?" asked Bluey. 

"Mmmmmpghh you kids get so impatient nowadays" Chili proceeds to hug all of them. "First I would like to say, that Lucky's parents asked me to give you your good luck hug before they headed of for work since you zoomed passed them earlier. Secondly," squeezing them harder with Bandit coming to close the hug," I wish you all a very good last and first year of middle school" she said, almost tearing up 

They all stood squeezing each other, in one uncomfortable and and the others happy, but squeezing. Until both Bluey and Bandit got a text message.

"hmpgh, looks like it is time to go babe." He motions to his phone " plus, we need to head back home and grab the car." said Bandit, ready to start heading back.

"Yeah, you are right," she began to let go "Plus, I sort of need to get there in time for the meeting at the airport this about 45 minutes...well yeah"

"Mum, Dad...Thank you for scar-umm walking us here" said Bingo after Bluey nudge her to correct what she was about to say"

"Well yeah, Thanks Mrs. and Mr. Heeler. It was a nice surprise? to get this early in the morning?."

"Hehehe, I guess it was huh?...Bluey? is something wrong?" asked her mother, a bit concerned. 

Bluey, who had been looking at her phone this entire time finally looked up and registered the question.

"Hmm, oh nothings wrong Mum, Is just that Chloe said the bus is finally heading here and I sort of got nervous for my first day of the last year of middle school"

"Ohhh sweetie, there is nothing to worry about" Chili said while brushing her hair and fixing the hair pins she had on " it may be weird at first, but I know you three will be great and happy this year"

"Yeah, you're right mum. There is nothing to worry about. After all, I got my sister, friends, and you guys to help me" She said happily.

"Of course, sweetie. You got all of us"

Just then Bingo looked into the corner. The bus was finally making its way over here.

"Hey! The bus is here now!"

"Ufff here we go"

"Well, at least I dont deal with you in the bus"

"Who said you wouldn't deal with me"

"NOPE, not again you too!"

Lucky and Bluey begun arguing once again. They been friends since they can remember. Arguing about one thing or the other. Whether it was the game of the day or some random thing. Bingo was used to it, her parents were used to it, even their friends were too. However, when the bus pulled in to the stop. Poor bus driver was confused in their heated friendly argument. Let alone, a poor Bingo having to deal with it for a couple seconds more before finding her best friend Lila.


Author's note:

Hey guys!

So this chapter will be broken down into 2. A and B to make it easier. Also, from now on most of the chapters will be in different point of views. I think it may be harder, but me loves a challenge.

Anyways, Thank you guys for bearing with me. Once again, thank you for reading this and if there is any questions of any sort please let me know. Sometimes, as I am bilingual, it is kind of hard to transition what I have in mind in one language to the other. Again, thanks and please any criticism in order to help me reevaluate the story is appreciated. I would love to hear from you guys!!!!!



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