Chapter 5b: Cobalt

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"The winter dance is right round the corner... And I still don't have a person to go with"
Lucky was venting out to Mackenzie while he was looking for the last supplies he needed for the next class. After, the announcement of the dance about a month ago, there was commotion everywhere you go. To the restroom...secret meetings, the hallway.... Whispers on where to ask.
It was a horrible encounter everywhere he went. He was adjusting to the last year of middle school, Lucky's constant fight with Judo, Indy, Chloe and Bluey...speaking of which... his never-ending crush on her. It was already hard hanging out with them and her specifically, making it oblivious.
"Weren't you going with Judo?" he said, nonchalant.
"Uurk, it's not like I don't wanna ask... It is how she going to take it. I really wouldn't mind. In fact, I WOULD like to go with her... But it seems like she has other plans."
Mackenzie turned and squinted at him.
"Other plans? Like what? Finding a better partner? Cause in all honesty... She doing excellent in that part." He turned backed around and grabbed materials
"Hardy-har har. Very funny, but seriously. I've been trying to get along with her. Talk, per say. Haven't gotten past the point of 'Hey Judo-scudo fancy meeting you here'... " Lucky proceed to lean on the desk as an impersonation of what he has done.
Then he finger guns
Mackenzie was speechless.
Not because of the audacity of the proposal...
But more because of the audacity to finger gun as an addition.
"Yeah, NOW I see why she doesn't let you say more than 'Hey Judo-scudo fancy meeting you here' plus that ridiculous pose"
"Too much then? "
"Did you really just ask me if it's 'too much, then'? " Mackenzie was close to loosing it and strangling him.
"Well, I could ask some how else. Oh how about-"
"How about you turn in that paper I gave you last week and stop tormenting Mackie?" interrupted a peculiar voice
Mackenzie immediately turned around, facing that girl that made his heart pound faster than average.
"How much did you hear? "
"In all honesty... I didn't hear much... Just saw the finger guns and Mackie's look of horror. So I assumed either you were just tormenting him or was going to ask him to the dance with you... Either or both. " she said, shrugging her shoulders.
"Ohhhh NO!!!!"
They both said in unison, giving each other a look of utter horror.
Bluey shooked her head, giggling.
"Well, it's Lucky.... So I assumed you were asking him to the dance. "
"Bluey... Please don't make this awkward... "
"Ohhh why, your precious Judo might hear? "
The banter went on. Until Lucky gave up on changing her mind on it.
"Fine. I get it. I'll go get the paper. The conversation is over. "
"Oh wow, admitting defeat so easily then? That was pretty fast but yes, I need that paper. Oh and make sure everything is filled in. If you don't I'll hunt you down and you'll never live it down" she said with a terrifying tone then she smiled "please and thank you" she said sweetly.
Mackenzie was impressed, in awe and in love.
Lucky, on the other hand, had a new fear.
Bluey then turned around to face Mackenzie. Making him slightly more nervous than he was.
"So, did he actually ask you to the dance? "
"Bluey... Please... "
"Hahaha, just kidding. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised. Judo's been telling me that she's still waiting for a GOOD proposal to the dance from him. I'm assuming from your look that meant the finger guns and what he said included... Am I right?? "
"Well, more for the finger guns... But yes. " Mackenzie turned around and suddenly mustered courage to ask. "Also, I've been... Um... Meaning to ask... Well... Uhhh".
He looked at her. Her eyes curious and facial expression peaceful. She slighted tilted her head to the side, giving him the look of utter curiosity.
'Dang it, I need to ask now... '
" well, I was wonder-"
"Blueeeeeyyyyy! I checked the paper!!! Its completely filled!!! "
Mackenzie planned a murder in a thousand ways possible.
"Oh, great! That fills in my mission." She looked up from the paper Lucky had handed her. "What was that you need to tell me Mackie? "
"Uhh, never mind... I think I got it after all. " he smiled " it was just a stupid question anyway."
"Are you sure? If you still need my help, I can gladly help you."
"Okie dokie then. I'll leave you two lovebirds with your proposal, hahaha"
"Blueyyyy!!!! " said Mackenzie and Lucky in unison.
"Just kidding!!!. I'm SOOO not going to get over this. Hahaha" she headed out.
"Either you stop, making this more uncomfortable... Or just ask Judo to the dance already" Mackenzie turned around to Lucky with a fierce expression.
"Easy for you to say, I've been trying to ask her. I showed you one of the ways I was going to."
"Yeah, yeah okay"
Suddenly, as like a sign from heaven Mackenzie noticed someone similar. A platinum blonde with a pink hairband.
The source of the problem he was somehow tied into.
It's now or never
"Sure, well then show me the other ways then." Mackenzie motioned for him to proceed.
"I can't, it sort of tooo much. "
"So you're telling me the finger guns... Wasn't? "
"Arghhhhfhsjzm, fine it was more like this. " said Lucky.
He then pulls out a rose from out of nowhere, with a pun-nified note and says what he want.
"My precious Judo, the agonies of my pains, would you do me the honors of attending the dance with me"
The class went silent
Mackenzie then raised his hand, looked at Lucky and pointed behind him.
Judo had heard ALL of it and she was facing Lucky from the doors passway
Mackenzie had succeeded.
Lucky turned redder than a tomato
Also, he was killing Mackenzie... Well thank him then kill him.
The class then cheered and for the first time since ever... Judo was speechless.
Bluey had made her way back from her 10 minute break just in the nick of time to see what had happened. She made her way to Judo and pushed her towards Lucky. Funnily enough, Judo had stuttered her response and Lucky hugged her. Mackenzie then moved slightly towards Bluey. Inching closer and closer until there were a couple of centimeters away. Bluey without realizing he made his way to her jumped slightly and gasped. Mackenzie moved a bit, not to be so close but so far away either.
"Oh gosh, Mackie you scared me. "
"Sorry, um... "
"Mmm... " Bluey turned to him and looked at him "There's something you're not telling me huh? "
"Uahh, well... N-not... "
"Mackie??? "
" Is n-not exactly.... M-more l-like a-a  question... "
"A question? "
Mackenzie shrugged. While the commotion between Lucky and Judo was still going on. Mackenzie was looking for a good way to ask. Not to expose his feeling but at the same way to have a high chance at it.
"Mackie... Mackie, c'mon... Mackie? "
Mackenzie inhaled and turned to Bluey exhaling the remaining breath he had. With that the courage he had lost a couple of seconds came back again.
"Mackie? Everything okay? '
" Bluey, can I ask you something? "
"Mackenzie... You're scaring me what's wrong"
Everything surrounding her blurred out in his vision. The only thing he saw was her. Her expression slightly concerned but wanting to know what he needed. Her eyes shining brighter and worried.
"Bluey... Uhhh... Well... I was wondering if... You wou-"
"Mackie hold that question. Indy! What is it! "
" I'm sorry Mackie, I have to go. Looks like Indy needs me real quick with this." She turned, froze and turned back around "Also, can you look after those two for me... I'm pretty sure they'll end up fighting in a bit" then walked off.
The questions and the interruption went on for about the whole day...
A total of 12 tries
And a total of 12 interruptions...
Nothing could possibly go worse.
Unknowing to him that there was a day it COULD possibly go worse.

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