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Minho obviously didn't know how to look after someone with severe anxiety. If he had, he wouldn't have taken Jisung to a fine dining restaurant for lunch. How could someone be so caring yet stupid at the same time? There were so many forks. Which one was he supposed to use? Was Minho trying to show off or was this his usual way of eating? Rich ass. Jisung kept his lips shut as he looked over the menu. His eyes visibly shook as they reached the prices.

"Minho, I get that you're rich, but I've never been anywhere this fancy. I really don't think I'm comfortable here. Especially when you're paying for everything. You've already taken me on this trip, who knows how much that cost."

Minho looked up from the menu, his hand meeting with his neck. "It does?" He seemed to rethink everything that he'd done for Jisung. He had done a lot. "Okay, let's make a deal. After we have lunch, since we very well can't get up and leave, I'll stop paying for things. You can pay for our next meal."

Jisung bit his lower lip. He nodded his head in agreement after deciding to trust Minho with the offered deal. "Fine. Do you know what you're getting?"

Minho pushed his faux leathered menu toward the other. His finger sat underneath a dish's neame. Steak Tenderloin. Jisung looked to the pricing listed in small cursive swirls. He almost gasped at the numbers. He knew steak was pricey but it was almost unbelievable one meal could cost so much. Jisung moved his gaze around his own list of meals, eventually settling onto a chicken platter that was fairly cheap compared to everything else. "I'll get this."

Minho shut his menu, grabbing Jisung's and doing the same. "What drink?"

"Water is fine."

Minho turned toward a waiter that was passing by, offering him the lists and saying their orders. In that moment, Jisung took the time to look over Minho's features. His side profile was really nice. Jisung felt his lips twitch up. Moving his hand to his cheek, he rested his elbow against the tabletop, continuing to trail over the other's face. Jisung still couldn't figure out why he looked so familiar.

There were no key points leading to something that would awaken his memories. It wasn't that big of a deal. Wether he knew Minho from somewhere or not, he needed to focus on driving. How many times had he told himself that in the last week? That driving was more important than thinking about Minho. To be fair, Minho had everything to do with Jisung's driving. He was helping him practice; teaching him. Jisung's thought went far beyond teacher and student unlike before.

Jisung fell out of his daydream when he realized Minho was staring back at him. He cleared his throat, pulling back from the table. "So, we're going to the dunes after this, right?"

"Yeah. It's not that far. Twenty minutes by train so probably thirty if we drive," Minho stated.

Jisung suddenly had a thought. "What about my car?"

Minho pulled out his phone to check something. "Since we couldn't bring it I rented a car. It's obviously not going to be as fast or good, but we aren't working on anything huge. Just your nerves."

Jisung held himself from rolling his eyes. Nothing big, he said. If only he knew how big of a problem Jisung's anxiety really was. He should've known by now. They had gone through a whole airport. Minho had plenty of time to realize it. People without anxiety didn't understand that you simply couldn't turn off the thoughts. No matter how many times they yelled at you to do so. "Minho," Jisung started.

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