The Wife

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"Who are you snogging with you bloody bastard?"

You turn to see a tall, thin woman standing over you and Clean. Her hair is in long micro braids and she's glaring at you with what looks to be anger, but you can tell she's full of hurt. You're confused at first, but you look down and see the diamond ring on her finger.

"M-Mr. Clean... you didn't tell me you were MARRIED!" Now you're angry. You slap him across his bald, shiny head.

"Here darling, take your undergarments and go change in the other room."

Why is she being so... nice? You were just caught in bed with her husband. You don't even know her name, yet you feel like you've known her for years.

As you change in the other room, you hear lots of yelling and even glass breaking. You hear the front door slam and the house goes silent.

There's a knock at the bedroom door. "Come in" you say gently. You're ready for Mr. Clean to come in and explain himself, but you're shocked with what you see.

"Come on out here babe, let's have a chat."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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