The Drink

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You start your first day of work on Monday (tomorrow). You decide to go out for a drink, to celebrate how close you've come to achieving your dreams.

"Can I just get a jack daniels please?"

"Only if you lemme get some of that badonkadonk"

Who was that? Which ballsy ass mf just said that to you? You turn a little to your right and her him. Tall, shiny, buff, toned, handsome, 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑛...

"M-Mr. Clean?"

"Hey" he said in a deep, seductive voice.

His blue eyes locked into yours. Your heart was beating faster and faster. The butterflies in your stomach flew into the rest of your body. You stood there in awe of his sharp jaw and cheekbones.

"You new around here?" He asked you. His eyes moved from your eyes down to your lips.

"Yeah. I just moved here from-"

"Idc. I just wanted you to see if you were as beautiful up close as you were from the corner."

You laughed nervously. He chuckled with you.

"So... I'll see you around I guess?" He asked.

"Yeah. Probably." You reply.

When you get home, you decide to google Mr. Clean. You know he has a brand and models, but you want to know more. Or maybe you don't...

After a few minutes of searching you shut
the laptop. It's time to get some ready. You've got a big day ahead of you.

Secret Lovers (Mr Clean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now