스물일곱: full circle

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Sohae's eyelids twitched, owing exclusively to the instinctive spur that an inquisitive pair of gazes— meant specifically for her— had brought about. However, the first thing that she sighted was the resplendent dome— the spherical roof embellished with stars and a vivid assortment of other celestial bodies which particularly belonged to the Cosmic Observation Lab that she had frequented quite a times as a student to explore the motions and patterns of the universe that laid further beyond.

Her visits to the Lab definitely constituted that part of her learning phase which she cherished the most.

Certainly no doubt in that.

Albeit, something about her fatuous presence in the same compound felt absurd to her. She was with Jungkook a while ago, how did she end up laying there like a lifeless creature then?

She wandered her eyes around in cluelessness, while her body stayed stiff with fists clenched and limbs outstretched. Eyebrows stitching into one as precariousness draped her features, Sohae's eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets when she glided her vision all the way towards the top of her body, and instead found two other heads— possibly crouching besides her in her blindspot— peering to catch a glimpse of an improvement in her condition, and hence molding the feeling in her bones into reality.

So someone was indeed watching her whilst she had her eyes shut.

Talk about being some presumptuous creeps.

Sohae abruptly got up, automatically staggering a few steps behind to distance herself from the audacious jerks as quickly as she could, only to discover that it was forsooth her Headmistress, and the Head of the Coven herself, whom she had mistaken as a couple of crooks all along.

With considerable amount of power in their hands and a rational motive to avenge themselves, outcast witches in Sohae's world made excellent felons— thus proving her prompt action to be justifiable enough.

"Do you know how long you've been unconscious for?" Even though the frustration lacing Sister Park's voice was too flagrant not to be taken into account, there was this tenuous worry that accompanied too, inducing Sohae to brood over her words.

Sohae's memory— that had initially terminated itself at the point till which she remembered being with Jungkook— began to maneuver her deeper down the very lane, gradually turning the blurry projections clearer and the dim, brighter. Undergoing the process by taking the required time in order to interpret her memories more coherently, Sohae had managed to recall how she had set out to cross back into her world, to deliver the message of Jungkook's turpitude crossing all bounds— which needed to be immediately acted upon— to the two leading ladies who now stood across her.

She probably did not succeed in transmitting herself fully, that could be the only reason why it was growing difficult for her to call to mind about what followed after that.

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