Ch. 4 - Temptations and Turning Tides

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for being honest with me," he whispered unexpectedly, "It probably took a lot for you to say that...sorry that had to happen to you." You were shocked by his sudden compassion, figuring he'd usually use the information to joke at your expense. "I know you don't like me so my words probably don't matter, but..." he sighed, but before he could finish his sentence your lips had locked onto his, using your tippy toes to reach his height. His hands quickly grabbed your waist to steady your balance.

He deepened the kiss by fully wrapping his arms around your body, taking a few steps back until he was leaning against the opposite wall as you allowed yourself to fall into him. Your hands had wrapped through the tangles of his white hair, feeling each other's nose on the other's cheek. He breathed out hard as his body began to feel the blood begin to surge around again, making his erection that had once vanished return.
Melting further into his body, your hips had pushed forward to now feel what you had partially seen, his dick hard against your thigh through the sweatpants.
One of his hands began to slowly trail up the small of your back, up and up until he cradled the back of your head and dipped forward slightly, pushing his tongue past your lips.
Your heart burned with a fiery passion, much deeper than with Nanami. You hated the way he was making you feel, someone you detested on a daily basis with his tongue now down your throat. Though his momentary kindness sent you into this state, your consciousness loathed the cocky prick that he was.
As your kiss continued, Gojo leaned forward from the wall and moved both hands to your buttocks, lifting and forcing your legs around him. You gasped for a moment with the sudden shift in movement but allowed it. He walked forward, still giving the kiss his full attention, and he opened the door to your room, dumping you on the bed.
Staring down at you with the world's biggest smirk, he began to pull down the seam of his pants. Your eyes just grazed the V of muscles that trailed down to the hidden treasure. Now separated from him, your brain had a proper moment to clear the strange fog that had come over it. You quickly sat up and stopped him by putting your hand over his. He paused and lost his smile in confusion.

"I...don't think I can do this," your voice was slightly shaking. You were refusing eye contact, afraid to see his negative reaction.

"That's alright," he quickly said, backing away and removing his hands from his waistband. "Maybe...some other time," you stared at him silently for a moment, blinking hard.

"Maybe," you allowed. He smiled at your response and continued backing up until he was back in the hallway.

"Goodnight, Y/N," he gave a light wave and a flat-lipped smile before shutting the door and leaving you alone once more.

"Goodnight," you mumbled to yourself, hoping he could still hear through the wooden door.

It wasn't that you weren't up for a second round with a different man. It was more or less Gojo himself. You couldn't quite wrap your head around the new feeling you held for him, coming originally of a place of hatred to now something that should be the complete opposite. You were thankful that he was at least being a gentleman for the time being, leaving when instructed.

You were able to at least catch a few hours of sleep before having to be up for your next mission with the first years. You were able to wake up around ten in the morning and were ready to head out by noon.
You had to admit you were nervous to see Gojo again after the previous night's encounter. As you crossed campus to meet the group, you wondered if he'd be his usual cheery self or if he'd address it as soon as he saw you. Or would he just shrug if off and forget entirely...
You snapped out of your weird thoughts, unaware why you cared so much about the interaction considering you nearly hated his guts. You saw the spritely man and his three students in the distance, feeling a bit bad for being the last to arrive.

"Y/N! How nice of you to join us!" Gojo nearly shouted with glee as you approached the group. You wished you could see behind his blindfold to check if his perfect eyes were also bloodshot with heavy bags beneath just like yours.

"Yeah, yeah, late night...sorry everyone," you tried to sound genuine to the students through a yawn as if you and Gojo didn't almost become intimate the night before.

Despite the casual greeting, the throbbing of your heart was hard to ignore as you stared straight at his soft lips which had a light shine from the Carmex he used. You clenched your jaw as you tried to control the uncontrollable. Gojo's facial expression, from what you could see of it, was taunting you. He knew exactly what you were feeling and he was fueled from it.

"Well, now that we're all ready we can head out!" Gojo exclaimed with glee, throwing an arm around you which only made the pounding worse. You wondered if he, too, felt the same feeling in his chest.

Walking through the streets of Tokyo, you arrived at an all-girls boarding school that was clearly riddled with curses based on the aura that it emitted.

"All right, Y/N...Nobara, why don't you both take this one? The guys and I will hang back and watch you pretty gals work," Gojo sat down on a nearby retaining wall that sat in front of the school. Itadori quickly plopping down next to his sensei, Fushiguro slowly took his own seat despite looking disappointed to not see any action. "Of course, don't hesitate to call us if it ends up being too much," he teased. Kugisaki's face turned bright red with anger as Gojo laughed.

"C'mon, Nobara, he'll never learn respect anyways. It's not worth trying anything," you sighed, pulling her lightly by the arm into the building.

There was an incredible chill in the air as you both entered the building which had been quickly evacuated, something that rarely occurred.

"I don't get why he'd only send the two of us in!" Nobara whined. "This is clearly much more than a first year and one other sorcerer can handle alone! The building was evacuated for crying out loud!" Her shoulders slumped in disappointed fatigue. The first years definitely had it rough. Not just with Gojo, but they usually got the brunt of the work.

"We'll be alright," you tried to reassure her though you were quite concerned as well. The feeling of the energy in the air was a bit overwhelming, almost making your hair stand on end.

Just as you said that, the first curse slowly started melt up from the floor. Its distorted laughing sent a chill up your spine, its look completely grotesque and twisted.

"WoUlD yOu LiKe FrEnCh fRiEs WiTh ThAt?" The voice asked in a wavering, almost synthetic voice. Curses were well-known for speaking nonsense, sometimes it made you chuckle to hear their out-of-context cries as you defeated them with your technique.

You allowed Nobara to take this one, being a lower level curse. She quickly eliminated the threat with her hammer and nails, an interesting, out-of-the-box but impressive technique.

"That was a good one," you smiled at her, "well done!" She smiled back at you in return, a prideful look on her face.

As she continued to smile, another curse began to form behind her. This one was much higher, nearly a special grade. Did Gojo know about this?! If he did, why would he send the two of us in here to die?! You panicked, readying your technique as Nobara nearly screeched after noticing the being growing in size.

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