Chapter Twelve - Salt Meets Wound

Start from the beginning

" Hi Maya"

"Hey there." they greeted each other holding hands as well.

"Are you still coming for diner tonight?" Emily asked her girlfriend

"Sure if your folks still want me too. What should i wear?" Maya wondered, I think she meant it as a joke but this was Emily and Emily would take it seriously.

"Anything it doesn't matter...A dress." I giggled slightly

"A dress? Seriously? Is this some sort of formal thingy or are you worried my jeans look too butch?" Maya really needed to chill with the jokes right now, she wasn't helping at all.

"Don't say things like that please, okay? They're not...they won't laugh." Emily stressed

"We better get going. But if you do decide to wear jeans, iron them. Have fun." Aria smiled and we left but we saw Noel going into school. he gave us a small wave before he headed inside.


English with Mr Fitz aka my sisters boyfriend. How did the two of us end up dating older guys that would probably get arrested if anyone knew. I sometimes thought we needed to be more separate than alike.

"Gatsby was more than just a pretty face. he was ambitious, ruthless, charming. And the themes of change and loss are central to both novels." I looked at Spencer who looked somewhere else then me. i gave her a wink and looked over to my sister. I kicked my leg out to her and she turned her head to me I made a kiss face and she chucked a ball of paper to me. Fitz handed out papers just as the bell rang.

"Perfect see you Wednesday.. oh chapter one and four, no study guides please. Read the man not the blogger." He called as we all left.

"That's what he said." I laughed the others snorted.

"You guys head out I'll get Hanna's assignment." The three of us shared a look and left.

"So are you excited for tonight?" I asked Emily "Big step, actual dinner with the family."

"I'm not sure I want to be there." she replied nervously.

"You'll be fine just make sure Maya doesn't do all the talking. If she starts linger over a cliff, you grab the wheel." Spencer offered her advice

"Yeah we love Maya. But even I know it takes a while for your Mom to warm up and their sense of humour is on two complexity different wave lengths." I stopped "That sounded harsh."

"No, I get it."

"Spencer, Emily, Erica." we turned round hearing Mona.

"So, i just found out that Hanna's mom has got some bank thing in Scranton and won't be home till really late. So i want to do a surprise party. You know welcome home Hanna, with or without your spleen. I've checked with Mr Hanna and Sean is totally down with." she beamed bouncing on her feet

"Mona, you do know they didn't take out her spleen." I told her, like it was the most obvious in the world.

"Really? Oh well I'll just change the theme." she went to leave.

"Mona, I'm not really sure Hanna's up to hosting a bunch of people at a party." Spencer said

"oh please she's been socialising with IV Bags and bedpans. She'll love it. If you guys don't want to come, I'm sure she'll understand." with that she walked away

"This is not a party that I'm going to enjoy." I sighed


It was break and I was heading for the cafeteria when I heard Noel's voice in Mr Fitz classroom.

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