Chapter Ten - Keep your Friends Close

Start from the beginning

"Is there anything about the tape that you can tell me?" Agent Cooper questioned rewinding the tape a little.

"They're at the kissing rock. It's in the woods behind the lake." Emily stated as we were more forthcoming with her.

"And I think this was taken the night she disappeared, she had the same top on." Aria added

"But that's not her sweater." Hanna continued

"Are you sure?" Copper asked

"Ask what's in each of our closets and I'll give you an Itemised list. I know clothes." Hanna replied

"That's true besides Ali was more chic and expensive not warm and cozy. She did not have that when she came to the barn that night." I explained

"I think she's talking to the older boy." Spencer theorised and I agreed

"So called 'mystery boyfriend'?" she played the tape once more as it repeated itself in the background while we were talking.

"Alison didn't want us to know who it was." Spencer went on.

"Was it an older high school boy?" Agent Cooper wondered pausing the tape again, to be she gave off a better vibe than Wilden did. Not that she would get our deepest darkest secrets but she was cool enough not to get an attitude.

"She only told us enough to make it a secret." I voiced "Alison, liked her secrets." I think Agent Cooper already knew the answer tot that.

"She said that secrets kept us close." Emily relayed what Ali told us.

"They do, but secrets are made to be found out with time." she told us.

"Not if you were Ali, you either had to be very lucky or very dumb to know her secrets. Its the way she liked it. You could say she never practiced what she preached." I commented tapping my fingers on my leg.

"What makes you say that?" Agent Cooper's head tilted in curiosity.

"It feels like ever since she died, everything I thought about Ali has been turned on it's head." she hummed and whispered something to her college.

"Erica, I would like to ask you a few more questions, with your parent here of course. The rest of you can go." They looked at me and nodded. 10 minutes later Mom came in. Agent Cooper spoke with her and then turned to me.

"Tell me more about Ali." Agent Copper requested taking as eat across from Mom and I

"Like what?" I wondered

"What was she was like as a friend. Let's start there." I sighed and nodded then thought about it for a moment.

"Okay, well I depended on the day and what type of mood she was in. She could be a nice, loyal friend who was there for you during something rough." I began to explain

"Like what?" I looked at my mom and she nodded

"One time Ali, Aria and I had gotten frozen yogurt, we were walking home when we strayed off into a different path you know the one that cuts between houses." Cooper nodded

"We saw my Dad's car and in it was my dad and another woman. He was cheating on my mom. I was pissed, devastated, hurt just all of these things like my sister was and she comforted me. Yet a week later, while we were still reeling and not wanting to do that much she became unsympathetic and bitchy like us not doing something with her was a Capitol punishment offence or something. Then the week after that she was offering to help us again like the previous week didn't happen."

"So she blew hot and cold?" Cooper clarified

"Yeah, It annoyed me. The others let it side, but I didn't I called her out on it, she actually said that she thought it was adorable how I had the balls, but again the next week or day I was as if I ruined her life." I reiterated

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