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Reign's POV-
I waited for the nurses to leave the room after they did their job. I thanked them and looked at Shoto. "Hmm." He said as he read through the papers I put on the counter. "What?" I said as I watched him. "It seems the Principle and Aizawa have agreed that for your safety you stay in the dorms or simply not help us." He said as he threw the papers back on the counter. I nodded, "What do you think about it?" I said as I fiddled with my fingers. "I don't know. Whatever you want to do, I'm cool with it." He said. I nodded, "I don't know either. It seems like a good idea but I'm not sure." I said I got up and grabbed my computer out of my bag. "I mean it would be nice if you stayed at the dorms with us. Everyone seems to like you and enjoy your company." He said. I nodded as I filed paperwork on my laptop. I sighed and looked at him, he looked at me pleading. "Okay, I'll speak with Aizawa and dad about it." I said as I finished my work.


After I finished my work I closed my laptop, "I brought food." Shoto said as he walked in. "You were on gone- for what? 18 minutes? How do you already have food?" I said as I laughed. He smiled and placed the food down on the bed. He pulled a chair beside the bed and we ate together. After I finished my food I carried my tray to the trash can. Shoto followed my actions and we sat back down. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sat there staring out of the window. Shoto was on his phone, "What are you doing?" I said. "Just texting Momo." He said. "Oh." I said, I smiled at him. "What?" He said as he put his phone away. "Nothing." I turned my head back to the window. "Okay." He said then he went into the bathroom. I grabbed my phone of the counter and went through the apps. Someone knocked on the door and I looked up. "Midoriya." I said as I got up. "Hi." He said as I finally stood up. "I wanted to come by and see you and Shoto." He said. I nodded and sat down on the bed again.

    "Did you hear about that little dance thing that the classes were having?" He said. I shook my head and laughed, "Didn't you guys have a dance already?" I said as I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Yeah. But it was crashed and according to Mina we didn't really have a good time." He said. "Oh." I said as I nodded. "Hello Midoriya." Shoto said as he walked out of the bathroom. "Hey." He said getting up and looking nervous. "What are you guys talking about?" Shoto said as he sat beside me. "The dance." I said, "Oh, did you want to go?"  He said. "I'm not sure." I said with a shrug. "I'm just now hearing about this." I said with a laugh. He nodded, "You going, Midoriya?" Shoto said as he looked up at him. Midoriya slowly sat, "Actually-" "Hey!" Kirishima said as he walked in. "Hi." I said as I stood. He quickly high-fived me and sat down. "So what we talking about?" He said as he slapped Midoriya on the back. Which Midoriya chuckled and smiled nervously, "Who are you here with?" He said as he looked out into the hallway.

   "Mina, and the guys." He said. Midoriya winced and got up, "I should go now, I have a project due later today." He said. "See you." I yelled after him but he was already gone. "That was odd." Kirishima said as he blew out a huff of air. "What do you mean?" Shoto said as he cocked his head to the side. "Yeah?" I said replicating his actions. "Wow, you guys are so immune to social cues." Me and Shoto looked at each other and shrugged. Soon I scrolled through my phone and Mina walked in, Bakugou, Sero, and Denki trailing after her. "Hi!" She said as she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and sat back onto the bed. She sat beside me and looked at me. "How are you?" She said as she held my hand. "I'm good." I said looking down. She frowned and pulled me into another hug. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

   Then she pulled away, "Well we're here." Sero said as he clapped his hand. "Yup." Denki said as he popped the "p". "Did you guys eat?" I said as I looked at them. "Yup, we grabbed something on the way." Mina said as she waved it off. "Mmm." I said looking at the ground. "What did Midoriya want? We passed him on our way out." Sero said as he gestured to the door. I shrugged, "He just wanted to stop by and say hello." Shoto said from behind us. Kirishima whispered into Sero's ear. "Ah." Sero said as he nodded. I sighed as I watched Mina on her phone. She was playing a game, "Can I try?" I said as I held my hand out. "Sure." She as she handed me her phone. I played the game with severe concentration and when I failed Mina grabbed her phone from me.

   "You passed my high score!" She said as she stared at her phone. I shrugged, "Is that good?" I said as I looked at her. She nodded and played her turn. I turned my head towards Shoto who was on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled, I looked at the other side of the couch and Bakugou was on his phone too. He looked up at me and said, "What?" "Nothing." I retorted. Kirishima got up and started to walk around the room. We all sat in silence then Mina decided to bring up the dance again. "So you guys going?" She said puffing up her cheeks, her lips making a straight line. "Yeah." Sero said as he pushed his hair back a bit. "It's a maybe for me." Kiri shrugged.

   Shoto turned towards me, "I think I'm gonna go, you know? Just in case the same thing happens twice." He explained his reasoning. "Well in that case, I think I'll go as well." I said agreeing with him. "Bakugou?" Kiri said as we all looked his way. "I'm not going I have more important things to do, and being the realist here, the same thing can't happen twice." He said eying me and Shoto. "Well I went through all the trouble of making the appeal to Midoryia and the council, SO you're going!" Mina said as she stared him down. She shrunk after he glared at her, "Yeah, she went through all the trouble for you all to have another dance, I think it'd only be fair if everyone showed up." I said as I made my point.

   "Well, in that case you're coming too." Sero said, as he raised his eyebrow at me. "Okay, I'll go, if... Kiri, and Bakugo go." I claimed. After we agreed to put the conversation to rest, my nurse came in and told them that there were test that needed to be done soon, and that we needed to wrap things up. I sighed as they all stood and said their byes, I nodded thankfully to the nurse. "I can only take so much social time." I said with a huff.

1266 Words-

Hey guys.🧍‍♀️
Sorry I haven't uploaded. Ik it's been a FAT minute! Don't come for me. But honestly I've just been lazy and lowkey forgot about Wattpad.😬 but anyways I might- MIGHT- be back with another chapter soon. I just gotta remember what my plot was.🧍‍♀️ see y'all soon, or not.🤭

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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