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A couple months later-
   I walked down the halls as I ran errands for some of the teachers. My dad placed me here to work for a couple of hours. I walked into the classroom, but I didn't check the classroom number. I handed the teacher the posters for the sports festival and a regulations handbook. He nodded and kept talking to some of his students. "Hey." I heard Todoroki say out loud. I smiled and waved to him. He stood and walked towards me, "Everyone, this is my sister." He said in a very monotone voice. "How old is she?" I hear someone say with a lisp. "Mineta." He said as he glared at the grape headed boy. "They're the same age!" Midoriya yelled out to the class then he ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. So did Uraraka, and Iida. I laughed, "Hi guys." I said as I hugged them all back.

   "You have to come and hang out with us again." Uraraka said as she held my hand. "I'm sorry I've been so busy with work and helping with Shoto's chores, ever since he left." I said as I elbowed his side. "Where do you go to school?" The pink one said. "She's probably in a lower class than the rest of us." Someone said in a deep voice. "K-Kachaan, you can't speak to her like that." Midoriya said as he looked at the blonde. I glared at him, "Actually I've already gotten my Provisional Hero License, and I've finished high school. I now work at our dad's agency, I'm just here for Shoto." I said as I looked at her with a smile. "I have some things to do right now but uhh I'll see you guys soon." I said as I walked out but before I left, I waved goodbye.

  After work, I was walking back to my car when Shoto walked up to me, "Come meet everyone." He said as he pulled me into the dorms. I walked in and everyone crowded me, I met everyone, the blonde walked up to me, "Name's Katsuki Bakugou, the guy who's going to beat your brother and become number one hero." He said as he shook my hand. I felt my anger grow as I glared at him. Shoto but his hand on my shoulder and pressed his ice into my shoulder. I quickly calmed down as everyone stared at me. We played games and talked all night. Bakugou kept looking and staring at me, I watched Shoto be distant and emotionally disconnected. Not at all like he was with me, I yawned as the girls pulled me to their rooms. We talked and they asked me questions about Shoto. I laughed at most of them, a girl didn't talk much she had black hair, she mostly blushed at the answers.

  I told them I was going to go back home and they all said good night. I walked back out into the hallway, I tried to remember Shoto's room number. I walked into the room that I believed was it. No one was in there but I knew it wasn't Shoto's. I closed the door back and turned. I bumped into someone's chest, "Sorry." I said then I walked the other way. "What were you doing in my room?" The deep voice said. I looked up at Bakugou, "I thought it was Shoto's." I said. "2 doors over." He said, then he walked into his room. I walked into Shoto's room, "Hey I'm going back home." I said, "Why can't you stay the night?" He said as he pouted. "Dad wants me back home, I'll be back tomorrow though. I have to help Aizawa with you guys for the sports festival." I said as I looked at him. "Okay text me when you get home." I nodded and walked out.

I walked down to the living room, "Let me walk you out." Denki said as he smirked. I looked him up and down and kept walking, "I think I'm fine." I said as I walked to the door. Denki followed after me, "It's not very safe out." He said as he opened the door. Bakugou slammed the door shut, "She's not leaving." He said as he stared down Denki. I cocked my head to the side. "And why is that?" "There's a villain attack in town." He said as pointed to the TV. I watched the clips of the villain. Shoto ran down the stairs, "Where's Reign?" He said as he looked around. We sat on the couch and watched the news, "It's near the house." He said as he watched. I looked at the familiar streets, "Endeavor has requested that you stay here." Aizawa said as he walked back into his room. I nodded and looked at Shoto, "You got room?" I said as I laughed.

  He nodded, we walked up to his room, I sat on his couch and he shook his head. "You can take the bed." He said as he prepped it. "No I'll only be here until early morning. Or whenever it's safe." I said as I laid on the couch. "You're not leaving until sunrise." He said as he grabbed my keys. I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Got a blanket?" I said as I rose up on my elbows. He threw a blanket at me, "Go to sleep I still have school tomorrow." He said as he laid down. "Good night." I said as I turned the other way. "Good night." He said as he turned off the light and laid down. I shifted on the couch, I turned towards him and looked at him. "Are you asleep?" I whispered. He didn't respond, I rolled my eyes and got up. "Should have at least checked if the couch was comfortable before I chose it." I whispered as I pulled the blanket behind me. I checked the hallway before I walked out fully, I walked down to the common room. I laid on the couch soon I fell asleep.

1014 words-

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