Part 1.11

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The bus then stops at the bus stop and the people in front of you get off. Then you adjust the bags in your hang and grab Jung-hoon by his shirt and pull him to make him follow you off the bus. When you and Jung-hoon get off the bus, you wave at the nice officer you see every day eating at the cafe when you're on your way home from college. Then you and Jung-hoon walked over towards the side of the sidewalk

You: Thank you for saving me Jung-hoon!

You hug Jung-hoon

Jung-hoon: Of course, that guy is such a pervert
You: He is, can't imagine what would happen if his wife found out
Jung-hoon: I would love to imagine that if he even had a wife
You: Huh? What do you mean..?
Jung-hoon: Well, whenever I grabbed the cards from him, I didn't see a wedding ring on his ring finger
You: oh...that's sad..
Jung-hoon: Here, let's wipe that old man's germs off of you the best we can

Jung-hoon put the bags of groceries into one hand and went behind you and started to wipe your shoulders off and you wipe your arms off. Jung-hoon then wipes your lower back, butt and legs and you wipe your chest and stomach. Jung-hoon then stands back in front of you and fixes your hair

Jung-hoon: There, you feel better?
You: Yes thank you
Jung-hoon: Alright, let's get you home and cook some steaks
You: Yeah, lets go

You and Jung-hoon begin to walk towards your house

You: I have a question
Jung-hoon: What is it?
You: how come you can remember how many years a person can get for sexual harassment, but can't remember plant cells and human body of bones?
Jung-hoon: You know the show "911" I watch?
You: Yeah, the cop series
Jung-hoon: I've remember a few things in case.. ya know, something happens while I'm out and I can help someone, just now for example
You: Okay, fair enough, I have another question then
Jung-hoon: Mm?
You: Why'd you say that I was your girlfriend?
Jung-hoon: Well, that was the only way to spook him and get him to stop
You:'re gay..
Jung-hoon: And? He doesn't know that I'm gay

You laugh a little which also causes Jung-hoon to laugh a bit

You: Man, it's been almost four years since you pulled that trick on people. Telling them that we were dating but never kissed each other
Jung-hoon: Well, it was the only way to keep them from picking on you and to keep them from knowing that I was gay
You: long did that last by the way?
Jung-hoon: Last? Hun, it's still going

Jung-hoon begins to laugh uncontrollably

You: What do you mean?
Jung-hoon: Wellllll, some...people still think that we're still dating

Jung-hoon rubs the back of his neck a bit

You: like who?
Jung-hoon: Well, there's four people. Christopher, Felix, Beomhan and Missy
You: Ahhhh, know, as many times as she called you derogatory and vulgar words behind your back, she still blonde at the roots
Jung-hoon: Yeahhhh, I freaked out when she randomly called me gay that day and I thought she found out everything but that was just her being...well, herself
You: She also made fun of you because you were scrawny but look at you now

You poke and touch Jung-hoon bicep and forearm

You: So strong and buffed up
Jung-hoon: Damn right I is

You chuckle at Jung-hoon and then see a bug land on his shoulder

Jung-hoon: I'm so strong and cool now that nothing can scare me
You: Um..Jung-hoon..?
Jung-hoon: What should I be scared of when I have the power to crush a skull with my bare hands
You: Jung-hoon...
Jung-hoon: You know for a gay person I have the body that all the straight boys want

Jung-hoon chuckles a bit at himself

You: Jung-hoon!!
Jung-hoon: Mm?

Jung-hoon looks at you

You: There's a bug on your shoulder..

Jung-hoon looks on his shoulder and sees the bug then screams on the top of his lungs and hops around

To be continued...

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