Chapter 27

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Did one of the others invite someone else tonight and just didn't mention it? I fix my dress as I walk towards the door.

I opened the door to stop dead in expression and surprised. "Klaus".

Klaus pov (couple moments before)

I walk up the driveway of my home with a bag of gifts in one hand and stop at the door. It's time I open the door and come home to my family. Come home to my child, come home to my mate. I press the doorbell and wait for it to be answered. I'm somewhat nervous about my return. I know that those who were invited from Mystic Falls will be inside right now with my family. Elena and I have so much to talk about but that is for another night. Tonight is Christmas, my favourite time of the year as well as Elena's. I have no doubt that Rebekah got the girls to help her pull off her annual prank and was most likely the best one yet this year. A shame I couldn't spoil her fun though.

The door handle starts to move and the door opens for her to stop dead in all expression. "Klaus'' she says my name in surprise. Did she truly think I wouldn't come home for Christmas? "Hello Love" I greet with a soft smile. Elea steps back to let me inside. When I close the door behind me her arms wrap around my neck. She let's go but only feel a hard slap against my cheek. I guess I deserve that. I look down at her stomach which now has a baby bump. Two and a half months and she is already growing. My eyes go back up to hers and I place my hand to her cheek. Little tears blossom in her eyes. She looks good, happy. She looks so god damn beautiful that I would rip that dress off her if I could. I place my other hand on her cheek and kiss her after all this time. "You came back" she softly speaks. "I said I was coming back and It is Christmas," I replied. I pick up the bag of gifts and let Elena put them under the Mikaelson Christmas tree. I hold onto Elena's hand as she leads me towards the large dining room but let's go of me as we walk in.

Elena pov

Having him in my reach and hands after this time feels different. Better than it was before. He came back! I was sure he wouldn't and I was holding onto the last thread for him to come home. He kissed me filled with passion and love. I let go of his hand as we reached the entrance of the room knowing that he won't just get up and leave. "Elena what took you so long" Caroline's voice tone changes as I walk in the room and Klaus follows behind me. Rebekah's eyes light up making Kol smile and Elijah to be full of pure happiness. Elijah gets out of his chair and hugs his brother. "Niklaus" Elijah says to him. Klaus smiles at Elijah and takes a seat at his rightful spot.

The head of the table.

I sat at the opposite end to him with happy tears and a smile. "Ah you decided to join us after all" Damon queried. Bonnie looks a little uncomfortable but controls her dispute. "Yes, well London is a stunning place but nothing is better than being home with my family for Christmas in my City" He says in his accent. Marcel chuckles with the comment he made about being his City. "Don't you mean Marcel's city Klaus" Marcel argues. Klaus laughs and goes to talk but only to be cut off by Kol. "Thank you for allowing us to stay in your home, It's lovely" Jeremy politely puts out. Jeremy doesn't have to tell me that he still doesn't like Klaus. I can tell by his tone. It's okay though, Jeremy is my brother and he is still happy for me.

"You're more than welcome, after all we all have one thing in common. The Lovely Elena" Klaus resorts.

From the head of the table he is devilingly eyeing at me. He is so sexy when he looks at me like that. To distract myself from his look I continue to eat dinner. I notice how he makes conversation while he plates his food and eats. Caroline is giggling at me in the look of a three year old. "Okay well I know one thing for sure is that I need to know how you two lovebirds decided to have a child?'' Caroline splurts. I almost spit out my food with my eyes widened. Kol is hiding a smile while Alaric is shaking his head with Rebekah. Damon's eyes are as wide as mine. The whole table has a mix of emotions with this question. I stare at Klaus in embarrassment due to how events happened. Klaus is giving me a dirty look with a wicked grin. "Carolline, well I guess it would be how you and Tyler tangled but I'm most likely better than him just ask Elena," he didn't do he? Caroline's cheeks are red as well as mine. Now everyone is looking over at me. "Over my dead body will I tell you all about the night I slept with him! I'll just say it was around the time before my first transition into a wolf and the baby WASN'T PLANNED AT ALL'' I exclaim. I'm getting hot tempered because of this.

"Calm down darling, not all of us know what it's like to be knocked up by my brother," Klaus silently laughs while my mouth drops. Rebekah looks as if she is agreeing with Kol.

"Okay new subject" Damon quickly changes the turning point.

"Klaus because you're late you can be the one to hand over all the deserts" Bonnie orders. This is Bonnie's way of letting her frustration out. At least she hasn't tried to kill him.


Elijah clears the table as Klaus completes his order given by Bonnie and lays out the deserts on the table. Caroline Immediately is at the pavlova I made knowing it's my mum's recipe as well as Bonnie.

When our plates are full of food I raise my glass. "It's been a hell of a ride this past year but I am so happy to have all of you guys here tonight with me. Merry Christmas" I toast. Glasses are clinked and exchanged words go around. Not a single hesitation on eating the food in front of us is taken.

"Elena, is it just me or does something feel different?" Rebekah talks across from me.

"You're not wrong Bexs, give me a second I want to check something" I say getting up from my chair and leaving the room.

I go over to the room in the parlor to go out the back. "IT'S SNOWING" I scream on the top of my lounges from the room. I race up to my room and get my coat. I don't want to wait another moment and go outside. The white tiny snow falls onto me like little balls of joy. "Oh my god it is" I hear the screams from inside before the others come and join in on my joy. I hear the sound of music gradually become louder each second. Kol comes outside with a speaker and coats for us girls. I bend down carefully in my heels and roll up a snowball. I aim for my target and throw it. "Elena you haven't changed one bit" Jeremy squeals, throwing one back at me but I miss it. As I dodge Jeremy's I feel an icy cold ball of snow hit my back. I turn around to face Caroline.

This is truly a magical type of fun. 

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