Chapter 11

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I stopped at the same place I met Haley last time but not to see her. I don't know the bayou so well so it will be hard to find her. I walk around to see if I know my surroundings and where she could be. I stumble upon some kids running around. I go over to the children who are playing. "Hi there, would you know where Haley is?" I said softly. They don't say a word to me. "It's okay I'm a friend of Haley's" I keep my tone to a soft sweet natured girl like the younger me used to be.

"She is at the pier" the braided brown hair girl answers.

"Thank you" I say back.

Haley is standing at the pier staring out to the water. "Haley," I call out to her. Haley turns around to me and comes and gives me a hug.

"Didn't expect you so soon, Elena what's wrong you seem different" my face drops at the matter.

"Something is wrong with me" I have no emotion but only fear.

Haley pov

Elena looks like she will crumble in a instint. Something isn't right. I suspected it from the night she turned. "It will be okay. I'll take you to one of the elder wolves or a witch" I answer. She nods in return.

"Why did you come to me, not that I don't mind. It's just you're living with a house full of originals and you come here" I wonder. I need to know what symptoms she has of certain things to see what is wrong.

"I came here because it felt right, I couldn't go to one of them as Klaus and I are kinda in a fued. I've been throwing up blood and haven't been able to keep it down, I've just felt quite sick as well and even Klaus is wondering if there is something wrong but he can't know" she answers. Could it be her doppelgänger blood refusing the hybrid transition? I have a hunch in what could be wrong but who? I lead Elena to a little cottage where one of the crescent wolf elders is. I open the door and Mary's face smiles.

"You must be Elena, Haley has spoken good things about you" she softly says. "I'm Mary" Mary looks at both of us then to Elena.

"I was hoping you could help Elena." I hope so. Mary's focus is on Elena. Is she trying to sense anything? "Haley we might need a witch, could you call the young witch in the city" Davina?

"Of course I'll leave you two to be" I say and walk out to call Davina.

Elena pov

"Thank you for taking the time, Mary," I acknowledge. She puts a hand on my knee and looks up to me.

"You may be one of the hybrids but your wolf side Haley wants to look after. You're a doppelgänger and if something were to happen to you it wouldn't be good. Now tell me what's been going on" she expresses.

I explain the blood lust and not being able to contain it. I explain from sick to heightened emotions. It's only a short while after that Davina arrives.

I'm laying down on a bed while Davina chants a spell. Haley is crossed arms and looking worried as well as Mary. When Davina stops chanting she looks stunned. Haley's face drops as well as Mary. "Davina. What's wrong with me?" I stutter. I sit up and look puzzled.

"Elena you're pregnant" I am what!

"I thought that maybe but how is that possible?" Haley questions. How is this possible?

"It might be your wolf side, but the question is who is the father?" Davina answers. I take a moment to think. Oh god. How am I supposed to tell him that he's a father to my child? I place my hands on my stomach. I look up to Haley and a tear slides out of my eye. "I know who the father is but I don't get how it happened this way" I say.

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