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After changing she takes a deep breath before turning the corner. The sound of wooden floorboards creaking underneath her socked feet.

"There she is" she jumps at the sound of a voice, she looks up at brother. "Oh hell.." she whispers to herself.

She races down the stairs before she could even see another teenage boy come into sight.

She races past her front door, stopping to see it dark already. The wooden floor beneath her creaks and she enters a room full of smoke.

She coughs and sees four burnt out cigars lying on the table. "He's home" she mutters walking through the smoke, to the kitchen. She could hear Batman playing on the television on repeat.

Her dad, passed out with a cigar hanging out of his mouth, and a beer in his right hand. She sighs and opens the fridge, no food.

She looks for her mom only to find her cleaning her parents bedroom which was very scattered.

"What happened here?" She asks making her mother jump. Her mom forces out a laugh, put her hand on her right cheek awkardly. "Nothing,'s bedtime. Go now." She shoos pushing y/n toward the door.

"But what happ-" she gets caught of by the door being shut and the small gold lock clicking. She twists the door knob to see if her mom was joking, just trying to see if she was serious. She was.

Y/n huffs not wanting to go upstairs to where her brother and his friend were. But the living room was reeking of cigar smoke. She feeling aweary, but not yet ready for bed, looked out the window. Yeah yeah's room light was on.

She decides to take a leap of faith, and left out of the front door. She watched from the porch for a split second before stepping down her steps. The cotton of her socks felt sticky against the concrete as the lint got caught to the ground a little.

She slowly steered toward his house, which was more low-slung than hers. She hesitantly knocks on the door and heard thudding down the steps.

The door opens and she is met with Yeah Yeah. His eyes get excited for a split second before dropping.

"H- hello" he says turning red and all the sudden y/n forgot what she was going to say.

All she did was nod, before looking down at her hands. "Hi..may I speak with you?" She asks.

He closes the door stepping out, leading for the girl to sit on the steps. He didn't want his sister to embarrass him.

"What's that you want to talk about?" He asks, and she smiles a little "I want to say I forgive you.." she trails off before getting engulfed in a hug.

"When you stood up to me today I- just" she gets loss for words, "feel thankful. You really helped me out. Like a true friend".


Yeahs Yeah felt a little upset. But never less lucky for having his friend back. They hug once again before the door opens.

"Yeah yeahh- oh!" Alana says seeing this interaction, "yeah yeah your so crazy!" She laughs.

Yeah Yeah turns bright red.

"Mom says to go to bed. We have to go to Aunt Helen's tomorrow." Alana says, sadness lacing her voice.

Yeah yeah cusses mentally at his sister before standing up. "see you at the sandlot" he says smiling.

"You bet" y/n says smiling before hugging him greatly one last time.

She steps down his steps and runs along the side walk, as yeah yeah shuts his front door. He takes one last glance to make sure the girl got home even though they're neighbors.


Drift away/ Enemies to loversМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя