Chapter Two: Surprise News

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I was lying on my bed rewatching Twilight for the thousandth time when my Dad barges into my room, I swear it's like he doesn't know how to knock.

"Harriet your Mother and I need to speak with you, now."

I climb out of my bed and follow him to the dining room where my Mother is already seated, we both sit down and my Mother immediately starts talking

"Harriet, we're going away for a little while we've..been having some issues with the paparazzi recently."

I roll my eyes, the paparazzi is everywhere we go but I decide it's best to keep that thought to myself because I really want to get out of the house.

"So when is our trip?" I ask

My parents look at each other and then back at me. My Father is the first to break the silence.

"That's the other won't be coming with us."


"Harriet, please just listen."

"But you always take me with you! I don't understand."

My Mother looks at the ground.

"Well Harriet you're not so little anymore you can take care of yourself."

What was wrong with them? They can't just leave me here all alone! My Mother looks up from the ground and says something that makes the whole situation worse.

"We aren't ever coming back."

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