Cute Pete or Naughty Pete???

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Ae managed to get Pete out of the hall quickly, before anyone could notice what was happening. As soon as they were out of the sight of everyone, Ae scooped Pete up and carried him towards one of the hotel rooms that both the families have booked for taking rest.

Pete who was now in arms of Ae slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ae who was wearing a worried expression. His vision was still unclear but he could feel the familiar warmth.

"Aeeeee..... You know, you look sooooooo handsome!" Pete spoke making the person carrying him look at him with confused face. "Pete, are you alright?" Ae asked in concern.

"Ae, I am happyyyyyyyy! My husband is shooooo shweet!!" Pete was dragging the words while he spoke. "Did you drink alcohol?" Ae questioned getting worried form Pete's unusual behavior.

"Nope!!! I just drank litttttle sodaaaaa..." Pete said showing the amount with his thumb and index finger and raising his hand to show it to Ae. "Okay okay..... You drank soda." Ae agreed while he somehow managed to push open the door of one of the rooms. He gently place Pete on the bed and then turned to call Sun.

The cute guy grabbed Ae's wrist and pulled him back. Ae, who was completely unaware about it, stumbled and fell back on the bed with his hands resting on either side of Pete. Pete snaked his arms around Ae pulling him closer.

"Where is Ae going?" He asked while blinking his eyes. "I am going to call P'Sun." Ae clarified. Pete frowned and then pulled Ae roughly towards him pressing his lips to his fiancé. Ae was stunned with the bold behavior of Pete and he knew that Pete was surely drunk.

The cute guy was kissing his Ae passionately, while his hands roamed all over Ae's back. Ae kissed him for a while and then pulled away making the cute lover whine. "Ae doesn't love me anymore!!" Pete remarked with a sad tone. Ae could see that Pete was really not in proper state of mind and tried to calm him. "Baby, I really love you. But I am also worried about you. Just take some rest na....... I will return back quickly." Ae tried to pacify Pete while he gently cupped Pete's cheeks looking into his eyes.

"Then Ae should stay with me." Pete stated. There was no way Pete was going to let Ae go out of the room so Ae tried to comply with each request of Pete while he somehow managed to message Sun the room number where they were and wrote a short note informing him about everything.

Pete grabbed the cell phone and threw it aside saying, "Does that electronic device look more cute than me?" Ae sighed and spoke, "No my love, nothing could compare to your beauty. I was just checking time."

Pete moved a bit and then got on Ae's lap straddling him. "Ae, you know......" Pete said as he moved his finger over Ae's face. He was really testing Ae's patience at the moment. "You look soooooo handsome but I want only me to look at your body..." Pete continued.

Ae wrapped his hands around Pete's waist holding him firmly as he was worried that his cute lover might fall down. "Aeeeee.... We are engaged and you are going to be my husband. Should I start calling you hubby? Or will you like something else?" Pete asked. His face looked innocent but his actions were not. He slowly moved his lips towards Ae's neck and started to kiss.

"Pe-Pete, do you want something to drink?" Ae asked as he tried to pull Pete away and distract him. "No.... But I want something to eattt!!" Pete again dragged the last word. "What do you want, tell me, I'll get it quickly." Ae replied preparing to place Pete aside and get whatever he was demanding. But everything was in vain when he heard Pete's reply. "I want Ae!!!"

Alas! Pete was trying to wake the beast!!! "Pete, I think you should take rest. I'll get some water for us both." Ae said trying to place Pete back on bed. "I don't wanttt anything. I want to stay with Aeeeeee. I want to kiss Ae!!" Pete said and started to pepper kisses all over Ae's face.

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