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Ae was scared about what the future held for him. He knew it very well that every time his elder brother would get stubborn, his father would give up. Insecurities started to build inside him as he recalled the whole incident.

Many thoughts rushed through his mind each having different possibilities and ifs – what if his father asks him to step back? What if his father cancels the wedding? What if Pete falls in love with Ohm? What if Ohm manages into convincing Pete for marriage? What if Putch thinks that Ohm is more suitable for Pete than Ae? What if ..............

Ae couldn't take it anymore, fresh stream of tears started to move down his cheeks as he eyes were filled to an extent that his vision got blurred. His body started to shake as he cried in pain. He felt that his life was falling apart and he couldn't do anything to save it.

It had been quite some time now that Ae had been in the miserable state. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the continuous knocks on the door. He raised himself from the floor and walked towards the door, wiping his tears.

When he opened the door, he saw his father standing there. "Ae, I need to talk to you." The father stated walking into the room. Ae's heart clenched at those words knowing that this was the time that his father is really going to ask him to stop seeing Pete. The time that he feared the most and prayed that it would never come.

Trying to hold himself together and after taking few deep breathes, Ae walked towards the couch where his father was already seated. "Ae, regarding your and Pete's -" senior Intouch spoke but stopped when he saw the sudden movement from his younger son.

Ae knelt down in front of his father and folded his hands while he almost begged, "Por.... I never asked you for anything. But just this one time...... Only for one time, let me get what I want. I will agree to each and every word of yours but please let me marry Pete. Please don't ask me to step back from this marriage because I won't be able to live anymore. Our relation has gone way beyond the point of turning back and I won't be able to survive without Pete. Please por, please, please, please....."

The father felt guilty by looking at his younger son pleading to him for his happiness. It made him question himself – was I too harsh on him? Did I always do injustice to him because of Ohm? He don't even have enough faith in me! Have I hurt him to an extent that he thinks that I'll never allow him his share of happiness?

Not able to see the miserable condition of his son, the father pulled him into a hug and started stroking his back. "Ae, why do you think that I'll ask you to step back from marriage? I know that I have been wrong in supporting Ohm all the time but you too are my son. And I cannot take away your happiness. I have made it clear to Ohm that I am not going to call off this wedding. You will marry Pete and that is my word. Relax my son, don't stress yourself. I'll make sure that you get what you deserve. And regarding Ohm, leave it to me. I had enough of his childish behavior, it's time to make him realize the true value of everything." The father stated.

Ae stopped crying, but small sound of sniffing could be still heard. Ae looked a complete mess – his eyes were red and puffy from crying, cheeks stained with the trails of tears, hairs disheveled. Senior Intouch tried to calm down his younger son.

Ae finally stopped crying and his father smiled at him. He was about to speak when Ae's cell phone started to ring. The father looked towards the screen that flashed a familiar name. "You must answer it. I'll leave now. And one more thing, you'll need to come to office for some work, I'll inform you about the time." Saying these words, the father walked out of the room.

Ae picked up the call and was greeted with a sweet voice. "Hello khrab AE!!!!" this sound made the young boy clam down and he tried to speak, "Hi baby." But his voice was hoarse from crying and Pete immediately knew that something was wrong.

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