Ae's Pete

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Ae stood outside the room praying for Pete's safety when his cell phone started to ring. It was Pete's brother Sun. Ae picked up the call and he knew that Ohm already informed both the families about the incident. Ae gave sun address to the hospital and Sun disconnected the call.

The following minutes passed in pain for Ae as he stood outside watching the nurses running in and out of the emergency room. Soon both the families arrived and they saw Ae standing outside the room. Tuli rushed to him when she saw how wrecked he looked. She wiped his tears and gave him a comforting hug.

Patchara was in tears and her husband was trying to pacify her assuring her that everything was going to be fine. Little Yim too started to cry when she saw Ae's face. The atmosphere was all gloomy as everyone waited for the doctor to walk out of the room to inform them about Pete's condition.

Ohm stood there watching everything least bothered about the whole incident. After a while, doctor walked out and everyone's eyes were on him. He informed them that Pete was fine and they could meet him. As soon as the words left his mouth, Ae rushed inside the room to check for Pete.

Pete was awake and his neck was bandaged. He smiled when he saw Ae entering the room and soon his expression changed when he saw the tear stained face of Ae. Ae went and sat next to him. Holding his hand and apologising, "I am sorry, I was late to protect you...... I am sorry Pete." Fresh tears were now rolling down his cheeks and he kept whispering 'sorrys'. "Ae, you didn't fail. You protected me this time too. Otherwise I wouldn't have been here. I knew you'll be there for me." Pete said with a smiling face.

Everyone now entered the room and Patchara rushed to Pete's side. She sat next to him on other side of the bed, she kissed his forehead and caressed his cheeks, "You got us all worried son. I am happy that you are fine." Putch came and stood next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder as if trying to give her strength.

"I am sorry mae for making you all worry about me." Pete said. Little Yim got down from her father's arm and walked towards the bed. She slowly crept on it and sat there looking at her uncle. "Ar Pete, is it paining?" She asked innocently. "No sweetheart, I am feeling fine." Pete replied. Patchara got up from bed allowing the little girl to come closer to Pete. She kissed Pete's cheek softly and spoke, "Ar Pete will get well soon now. I have given him my magic charm." Everyone smiled at the innocence of the little girl and were awestruck by seeing her love for her uncle. "Yes my little princess, I'll get well very soon and then we'll go out to eat ice-cream." Pete tried to cheer up the little girl.

Then she went closer to Pete and whispered into his ear, "Ar Ae was crying when you were hurt." Pete looked at Ae to see the dried trail of the tears. He had never seen Ae cry, not even when he lost the football match during university event.

After spending some time with Pete, everyone left except for Ae and Patchara who wanted to stay by his side. Pete looked at Ohm who just walked out of the room caring less to inquire about his condition.

Ae excused himself giving the reason of going to restroom. He hurriedly walked out and rushed towards Ohm who was now walking towards the car. "Phi!!!" Ae shouted. Ohm halted in his tracks as he heard the voice, he turned back to look at Ae.

Ae was fuming in anger as he took steps towards Ohm. "What is wrong with you?" Ohm asked irritated. "That should be my question! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? If you didn't wanted to talk to Pete why did you asked him to come along?" Ae asked furiously. "So you were following us." Ohm accused.

"Yes!! I did and will continue to do since I don't trust you anymore. Last two times when you took Pete for a date, he ended up in trouble so how can I trust him with you?" Ae questioned. "Por asked me to spend time with him that's why I asked him to walk with me." Ohm replied carelessly. "That's not called walk, you asked him to follow you all time least bothered to even speak to him. If you don't want to marry him, why don't you tell por about it? STOP HURTING PETE!! Por had fixed this marriage and not Pete. So whatever anger you have inside you, don't direct it towards Pete." Ae said with a warning tone.

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