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After Ae was done with the arrangements, he moved forward with his other plan. He had already bought clothes for Pete which he wanted to be delivered to him. So, he asked the hotel staff to help him with it.

One of the waitresses willingly volunteered to do it. She carried the clothes to their room and knocked the door. Pete who was busy talking to Tar thought it might be Ae and hurried to open the door. But he was disappointed when he saw the waitress standing at the door.

"Mr Pete?" She asked. "Yes..." Pete replied while nodding. "Mr. Ae had sent you these clothes. He asked us to deliver these clothes to you since he was going to get late. There's a small party at the open terrace and you are requested to be present. You can arrive by 7.00 pm." The waitress informed everything with a smiling face. "O-Okay!!" Pete replied a bit confused. The waitress then gave him directions towards the open terrace before leaving.

Pete closed the door and walked back towards where Tar was seated with the box in his hands. "What's in the box?" Tar asked curiously. "Ae had sent clothes to me to wear for party. But I don't remember him telling me that we were supposed to attend one." Pete said trying to recall his conversation with Ae.

"Must be he forgot to tell you." Tar spoke. Pete was still thinking about it when his cell phone started to ring. He knew it was Ae due to the unique ringtone and hurried to pick it up. "Hello Ae!" Pete spoke as soon as he attended the call. "Love, I am sorry.... I am stuck in this traffic and will be late. The hotel manager informed me that there was a small party on the open terrace and asked us to join. Since we didn't get party clothes, I bought new ones and asked them to deliver to you. I hope they are delivered on time." Ae spoke.

"Khrab Ae, I just got them." Pete replied. "Well, then I'll meet you at the party. Love you baby" Ae said. "Love you too Ae." Pete replied with a sweet voice. The call was disconnected and Pete turned towards Tar who was seated there playing on his cell phone.

"Tar, the hotel manager has invited me and Ae for a party. Ae was in hurry that's why he asked them to deliver this outfit." Pete said sitting down next to Tar. "Ae won't be coming?" Tar inquired. "Ae informed me that he will meet me at the party so I'll have to go alone. He is stuck in traffic and will be late." Pete cleared.

In that moment Tar received a message from Tum asking him to come to their room. "Pete, Tum is calling me. I'll see you later. Bye!!" Tar excused himself and then rushed towards the door leaving Pete alone. He immediately exited the room making his way towards the elevator.

Ping had dropped a message to everyone asking them to be present at the open terrace before 7.00 pm. That's why Tum had called Tar to return back to room. Ae and Ping hurried to Ping's room to change their clothes. After they were done, they rushed back to the venue to make sure that everything was fine. Ae was a bit nervous thinking about everything. Ping sensed his anxiety and tried to calm him down assuring him that everything was going to be fine.

Inside Ae and Pete's hotel room, Pete was seated on the couch staring at the box. After a while he sighed and got up, a bit upset since Ae had promised him of returning soon but now he was late. He walked inside the bedroom to get ready to the said party. He walked towards the bathroom while grabbing his necessities on the way. He got fresh and returned back to the room. He opened the box and was delighted to see the outfit. Ae had bought him a light blue suit with white shirt paired with light blue trousers.

Pete got dressed and checked himself in the mirror making sure that he looked presentable. He then applied some make up over the hickies trying to hide them. When he was done with his look, he analysed everything for the last time before leaving. He walked out of the room closing the door behind, making his way towards the venue.

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