Chapter nine

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Kaylee had tried many things, both in Narnia and their normal world, yet seeing a dragon up close without the danger of being eaten was a first, and probably also the last. And yet, Kaylee also wished to be as far away from Eustace right now as she could get. 

She was in the company of Edmund, who, alongside Caspian had returned with Eustace, Lucy, Caspian, Tavros, Drinian, Reepicheep as well as Rhince and Gael, as they were trying to find out what had happened to Eustace – in fact, that was already cleared up; Eustace had gotten greedy with a dragon's treasure, which was never a good thing. Now, they were trying to find out what to do with him.

"He must have been tempted by the treasure." Edmund spoke, all the while Eustace fought, but to no avail, to get rid of the bracelet around his right...front foot?

"Anyone knows a dragon's treasure is enchanted." Caspian spoke up, only to receive a dirty glance from Eustace, who grunted. Kaylee would normally laugh at this, but she had oddly become extremely fascinated with Eustace in his dragon form. Then her ears started ringing, softly at first.

Caspian, having seen Eustace's reaction, elaborated, "Well, anyone from... here." Then Lucy slowly approached Eustace, who to begin with backed away. She then held her arms out towards his right front foot, who he didn't rest on the ground because of the bracelet, and hesitantly he let her take hold of the bracelet and pull it off. This caused Eustace to roar in pain. Lucy grinned at him as she left his side. "Is there any way to change him back?" Edmund asked Caspian.

"Not that I know of." Caspian replied, looking to Drinian, who looked to the ground, obviously not having a clue either.  This caused Eustace to stare at them all with wide eyes. "Aunt Alberta will not be pleased." Edmund spoke, causing Eustace to glare in an insulted manner, stomping his foot into the ground.

"Sorry about the hand, old boy. I can be a little overzealous at times." Reepicheep apologized to Eustace, who in turn growled and looked at Reepicheep. "The boats are ready, sire." Tavros growled as two of the crew members had arrived from the ship with two boats.

"We can't leave him alone." Lucy insisted.

"Well, we can't bring him on board, Your Majesty." Drinian replied calmly.

"Drinian, you and the others take one boat back." Caspian ordered, handing Lord Octesian's sword to Drinian, "The rest of us will stay here till morning...and work out what to do."

"But you've no provisions, and no means of staying warm, Your Majesty." Rhince protested.

Then Eustace suddenly opened his mouth and several flames shot out, lighting up a single log in the sand, causing everyone to take a step back.

"You were saying?" Reepicheep questioned smugly.

Lucy giggled. Meanwhile, Kaylee also smiled, which could have been interpreted as a reaction to Reepicheep's snarky remark, but it was merely a reaction to a wider fascination of Eustace, in a weird dream-like state, which Kaylee seemed to have no control of. Every once in a while, she would feel a pull, and then her own voice in her head telling her to snap out of it, but that was insane right? She was her own self, feeling this way.

"I've missed them – and you." Caspian said to Edmund as the darkness had come upon them with full force. Several star constellations could be seen because of the clear sky. Lucy had fallen asleep right next to Edmund, who too was laying down. Kaylee laid between Edmund and Caspian, hugging her sword as she laid under her jacket. 

"We've missed you too. We all have. I know Susan and Peter would have loved to see you again." Edmund replied.

"She has grown so much," Caspian mused. "I mean, you all have. Lucy and Kaylee are almost all grown up now."

"I haven't noticed any boy troubles with Lucy yet, so we're safe." Edmund quirked with a wry smile.

Caspian chuckled, "That's a relief."

But then he realized something, suddenly looking a little in front of them. "Yeah..''

"What?" Caspian shook his head, and quickly looked at Edmund. "Nothing. My mind just wandered a little, is all."

"I've never seen these constellations before." Edmund spoke next, looking up at the stars.

"Me neither." Caspian replied. "We're a long way from home."

The flames danced like shadows across their faces and lit them up as Caspian continued speaking, "When I was a boy I used to imagine sailing to the end of the world...finding my father there."

Edmund looked up at Caspian with an uncertain look in his eyes. "Maybe you will." Looking up at the stars again, it was almost as if they could see a familiar lion visualized in the stars.

"Everybody! Everybody, wake up!

Kaylee's eyes fluttered open first at Lucy's exclamations. Next, she groaned and nearly whimpered as she felt like she had been run over by one of the tanks that had been driving around in the streets of London and America. And then the headache hit.

It's the Blue Star!" Kaylee slowly sat up, yet not without hearing her limbs complaining because of her sudden movements. The sun was slowly rising in the east, lighting up the pretty sky filled with flat clouds and the enormous blue sea in front of them, the water still with no evident waves. And then she saw it in the horizon. To the south, the Blue Star was shining brightly like a second, small, blue sun. It was beautiful.

She looked around, seeing the others were watching the Blue Star as well. Drinian and Tavros had gone back to the ship sometime last night, the only crew member remaining being Rhince, who probably didn't want to leave Gael out of his sight – all the while Gael was nearly attached to Lucy's side. Then she realized something. She didn't remember last night, like nearly at all.

"Are you all right?" Kaylee looked up to see Edmund stand on her right side, holding a hand out towards her. She eyed first his outstretched hand and moved her gaze upwards to his face. She frowned at seeing the sudden concern in her brother in law's eyes.

"Why, yes?" Kaylee answered, taking Edmund's outstretched hand, letting herself being pulled to her feet. She then looked Edmund in the eye and questioned confusedly, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Welcome back for another chapter, I hope you enjoyed this one just as much as the last one. If you did, please leave a vote, comment, follow and maybe even a theory/suggestion for my story. I'll see you soon!

-X Violet's-library

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