Chapter seven

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Kaylee normally loved whenever it rained in London,  but a storm was not something she enjoyed. Shortly after they had left Coriakin's island, a violent storm and a thunder storm had overwhelmed them. The teen could barely hear the crewmen shouting all around her for the roar of Mother Nature, Thor the Norse God or a third thing. Shivering with her regular clothes beneath a special made storm – and raincoat,  Kaylee was trying to help the crew where ever she could. It was difficult, but she managed to warm herself up a bit, but she could only focus for so long with how her body was shivering. 

The ship was creaking, and at times it made the blonde stiffen and look one more time to make sure that the ship wouldn't betray them without them noticing. But the warrior had to give it to the builders and Caspian's faith in them. The Dawn Treader had lasted for hours and there hadn't been any reports on any leak yet. Slight wobbly and with some difficulty, Kaylee was managing to make her way around deck. Currently, she was helping in the area around the helm where she clearly could hear Drinian's commanding growls, "Three spokes to starboard!"

"Aye, aye, sir!" Kaylee then proceeded to walk down the stairs with difficulty before approaching Tavros and several crew men, who were handling the sails. "May I be of service, Tavros?" Kaylee yelled while trying to keep her drenched blonde hair out of her mouth. The enourmous minotaur turned to look wide-eyed at the teen.

"But, my queen..." Tavros stammered in a growl. Kaylee snorted, and although her voice was kind, it was also determined and non-negotiable.

"I can handle a little rain. Give me that rope." The minotaur reluctantly handed the teen a rope with a good natured snort. Kaylee then took a firm hold of the rope with both her hands. She remembered the times with Peter, climbing into the tree next to her house. There had been a rope on one of the branches to help them up into the tree, as neither of them had been strong as children. Although this rope was a lot thicker than the one in her backyard had been, it made her remember the good times back in England. 

"On my call, men, lady." Tavros acknowledged. Kaylee smirked. Where after she gave the minotaur a small nod. Tavros looked at her before growling, "Heave!" And so Kaylee did as she felt the energy surge through her and out through her hands as she along with the other crew members concentrated on keeping the sails steady. She had never tried being hit by a large wave before, so when she suddenly was hit by a massive force of water coming over the railing, she nearly toppled over and she lost focus. She managed to keep the rope steady, but not before she felt stiff and incredibly cold again. But she hadn't been the only one as the crew members around her too were soaked once again.

"Majesty!" a distant voice sounded over the crashing waves and other shouts. Kaylee turned in the direction of which the call came, while making sure not to loosen her already slippery grip on the rope. She soon recognized the figure approaching to be Drinian. She hadn't seen it right away because of the hood he was wearing.

"King Caspian wants to see us both, your majesty." The old sea captain announced when he was standing directly in front of her. Kaylee nodded while summoning another crewman to take her spot with her hand.

"Where?" she asked.

"Captain's Quarters." 

"Lead the way, Captain." Walking or rather scrambling behind Drinian made it a little easier to walk as Drinian's form took most of the wind and rain – in front. The transition from walking outside to entering the captain's quarters made Kaylee shudder suddenly as warmth embraced her entire body. Drinian held the double door open for her before he lost his rain coat by it. Caspian sat on the couch, looking out of the rain cloaked windows when she entered. Edmund was standing off to the side, holding his balance by holding onto a plank in the ceiling – yes, he's become that tall – and when he saw his sister in laws disheveled looks, the smug bastard just smirked and shook his head.

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