Ichigo heard one guy advance towards him, so he turned and lashed out his foot. He felt it connect with their jaw, and he heard the sickening crack of the bone braking.

"Shit! Use them!"

Ichigo looked up in confusion and a blunt object connected with his back; he let out a short breath as he fell to the ground. Sure Ichigo was good, but not as good against bats.

Cursing, Ichigo looked up to glare at the men standing around him, they grinned and started kicking him. A few more minutes of this torture went by then a bag was shoved over his head, and Ichigo was carried to their boss's hangout.

In the building that the group of guys entered was a man sitting in a chair upside down while he listened to music. His pale, albino skin looked bright in the sun that shone through the windows, and his silver hair shone even brighter. His black nail drummed on the arm of the chair to the beat of the music, while his eyes remained closed. You could hear slight humming coming from his throat until the group of guys entered that room with Ichigo hung over one of their shoulders.

Turns out he wasn't done trying to fight back and he nailed one of the guys in the crotch with his foot. They were pissed off then and he got a punch to the side of his head, making his ears ring, and even with the bag over his head, see stars.

The guy with Ichigo over his shoulder, threw him on the ground in front of the chair and Ichigo groaned in pain as his side hit the floor hard. The man in the chair opened his eyes to reveal that they were just as weird as his complexion, gold irises on black schelera; but then again, weird can be pretty sexy.

The man growled and rolled backwards off the chair, and onto his feet with as much grace as a feline. He now stood tall over the slumped body of Ichigo, glaring at him, but his words were pointed at the man gathered around, "Tha hell is this?"

The men started to fidget, their eyes anywhere but the albino, "W-we thought you said you wanted the guy with the weird hair brought to ya with as much bruises as possible..." One of the men got close and pulled off the bag obscuring Ichigo's vision, and the albino's outlook on the situation.

When gold on black met the bright fire of hair on the boy's head, the man grinned wide, "So, this is him huh? You guys did a number on him didn't cha?" He turned to look over his men, he whistled, "And he sure did kick your guy's ass didn't he?"

Ichigo started to move, trying to get up and away from these guys, but the albino mearely held him down with his foot, "Where ya goin little thing? It's rude to leave right when you just got here."

Ichigo growled and moved to punch the man, but the foot holding him down kept him still, the pain in his head and side building up. Instead, Ichigo raised his defiant eyes to meet the man's, "I'd much rather kick your ass then leave."

He made a noise and mocked Ichigo, "I'm terribly frightened, the little thing is gunna gut me is he?" The man smirked and pressed his foot down harder, making Ichigo hiss in pain, "I don't think so..."

Ichigo felt a tad bit of fear from the way the man was looking at him, his eyes were extremely ominous and gave off the motive of a killer. But Ichigo wouldn't back down, no, his stubborn nature was far to superior for that. Ichigo shoved the guys leg, making him stumble, sure he hurt, but h wasn't going to let this guy mock him.

Getting onto his feet, Ichigo swayed slightly, but kept the fire in his eyes. The albino's grin grew wider, "Before we throw this down boy, what's yer name?"

Ichigo glared, "Ichigo Kurosaki."

The albino loosened up, smirk still in place, "Well strawberry, my name is," the group of guys circled Ichigo, "Ogichi Shirosaki, and for the moment ya are, " one guy pulled out a cloth and held it over Ichigo's mouth while some of the other's held his struggling body still. Before Ichigo passed out, the man's words echoed in his mind, "lights out." Then he was under.

As Ichigo started to come to, the name of the man circled his mind like a shark, Ogichi Shirosaki....he couldn't quite remember why he knew that name. Then, it hit him like a brick.

That ass hole is the guy I have to tak to! He is the top student in all of the school!

Ichigo's eyes shot open just to meet the exact thing of his torment, Ogichi Shirosaki. Ichigo's eyes narrowed as he smirked, there was no way.....

Ogichi Shirosaki opened his mouth and spoke in a low, husky voice, "Morning my strawberry princess, time to start the fun."

Ichigo gritted his teeth as the two's eyes had a show down. Ichigo wasn't about to convince a delinquent to come back to school, especially not one like this guy. 'God help me' Ichigo thought as he took a deep breath.

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