❝ He was a gang member?! ❞

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"So," Karma paused and looked at the run-down building in front of you two from its top to the ground, swinging the shovel he held over his shoulder, "What are we going to do again?"

"We're going to retrieve my mother's time capsule that she buried at near the academy's soccer field from back when she and Koushi-san were high school students." You explained, looking at the crumpled map you held. Your mother had drawn the map when she was a teenager, and has kept it with her ever since, "I couldn't even imagine my mother doing stuff like that. I thought she'd consider it as something trivial or something."

"Yeah.. She even had drawn the number of footsteps you need to take in order to reach the destination. Though we're not sure if they're accurate." Your red-haired boyfriend said, looking over your shoulder to take a peak on the paper, "It's so.. out of character of her."

"Maybe she was different back then when they were young." You averted your eyes and looked around to see if they were any passersby or onlookers, "Come on. Before anyone sees us." You tugged on Karma's sleeve and pulled him with you as you walked over to the rusty front gates.

"What's so bad about being seen? I mean it's not like this place is--"

"A private property?" You pointed at the tarpaulin stapled on the wall beside the gate.


Karma grinned, "Well, doesn't that make it more fun?"

"I prefer not having any criminal records."


You held the map while Karma led the way, holding up the shovel defensively, in case a wild animal lurking in the old school showed up. That's what you thought about, at least. The boy was of course unafraid to venture through the dark, even if it was just the moon that served as your source of light, as you stupidly forgot to bring the flashlight your dear boyfriend gave you. Fortunately, the sky was void of any clouds, and it was just the stars that scattered above you. You eventually reached the soccer field, where the tall grass had already grown from the ground that was neglected to be kept.

"How are we going to dig it up with all this grass?" Karma sighed, "Doesn't it have any mark or a sign board that says 'Hey! Buried treasure here!', or something like that?"

"An X is drawn on the map, under the bleachers that faced East." You looked at Karma with uncertainty, "Where is East?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, the sun set on that direction." He pointed at the nothingness in front of you. "So if that is West, then East is behind us."

"Then the bleachers over there are the one we're looking for!" You pulled his wrist and ran across the grassy field. You walked behind the bleachers, where fortunately only a small patch of grass had grown, "Mom wrote down on the map, that she wrote her signature under the seats, and right under that seat is where she buried the time capsule."

"You mean the seat right above you?" Karma pointed over your head, where there was indeed a blurry signature scribbled on the wood. "I think you're standing right above the time capsule."

"I am?" You hopped to the side and looked at the ground where you stood on. "Shall we go and dig already?"

"You say 'we', but I'm the only one holding a shovel." Karma said, rolling his eyes. He began to dig up the soil, being careful with his force since he might damage your mother's time capsule. He stopped digging when he felt the shovel hit something. He tossed the shovel to the side and began kicking the dirt off the object with his foot, and when the dirt had been cleared off, a rusty, circular, metal cookie container came into view.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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