Chapter 2: Friarridge

Comenzar desde el principio


About half an hour later a boy's name gets called; Thalium. He has cropped shoulder-length blonde hair and a wide friendly stance. Thalium is handsome but part of the middle-class crowd so Lark and Zim haven't had much to do with him over the years.

He walks up to the large bowl and slits his hand without flinching, the girls watch as he drips a few drops of his blood into the bowl. The blood swirls around and shimmers, the colour turning to the magical silver and gold mix. He looks at the crowd who all stare open-mouthed at this revelation, everyone looks back down, watching, waiting. An image begins to appear and a boy's face appears in the blood. The handsome young man looks up at the line and calls out to Kalan. Lark watches and notices movement in the line, upon closer inspection she realises who it is. Kalan is who Lark has had a massive crush on all through school, he is kind-hearted and stands up to bullies. Everyone adores Kalan but she'd never seen Thalium before.

"You know who Thalium is?" Zim whispers into Lark's ear. She shakes her head saying no.

Kalan swaggers up on stage and slits his hand, dripping his blood into the bowl. The process is quick, his blood swirls and shimmers the same as Zim's did. He is an Isolar but not rider. The two boys go and stand beside Lark and Zim and look at the rest of the line, only about 40 left.

"How do you guys know each other? I've never seen you around the school before, Thalium." Lark turns to Kalan and nods kindly at Thalium.

"My cousin... we've been close over the years." Kalan smiles at Lark gently, "You're a rider, that's sweet."

Lark smiles in return and blushes, Zim swoops in saving the day like she does when they are around Kalan. "Isalor buddies!" Zim's fist pumps Kalan, "Nice to meet you Thalium, I'm Azima but everyone calls me Zim and this is Larkin she goes by Lark though." Both girls smile and Thalium smiles sweetly before turning back to the ceremony. He seems quiet and down to earth someone who doesn't talk much.

Another long hour passes until there are no teens left, only two riders were found and two Isalors. It's the expected amount, usually, no more than 4 pairs are found however usually there are none or only one pair.

"Family of the students up the front please stay behind for information and everyone else please leave in an orderly fashion." Mr. Tavil orders all the townsfolk. Miss Gravelia gracefully moves over to the four conquests and congratulates them.

'Well done on this... or I guess congrats?" Miss Gravelia laughs, her laugh quiet and infectious which causes the four teens to laugh too. "Please call me Harley, what are your names? Sorry I'm terrible with them." She shrugs nonchalantly and levels her gaze on the four of us.

"Thalium and this is my cousin and Isalor Kalan." Thalium explains and turns to the two girls.

"I'm Larkin, but please call me Lark no one calls me Larkin. This here," She gestures at Zim, "is my absolute bestie Azima."

"Pleasure to meet you Harley also, call me Zim." Zim smiles pleasantly at Harley before turning to watch the parade of bystanders leave.

"Zim! Lark! We are so proud of you both, come give me a hug!" Zim's mum Mindy calls to both Lark and Zim. The two girls race over and squeeze her. Mindy has been the closest thing to a mum to Lark since her mum passed away, she taught Lark about periods and partners, and she held her when she wept after her first break-up. Lark and Zim have grown up like sisters, their mums were close which allowed the two girls to hang out often growing up.

"I can't believe you won sweetie!" Abe strolls over to Lark and looks at her with fake kindness. Lark's hesitance brings Zim out of her confusion and she butts in saving Lark.

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