My Imagination (scary; you have been warned!)

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I think I'm ready to publish this....

The other day my friend vwas told she was crazy, she agreed... later on, we got to her needjng to be in an asylum, she agreed again. She said she wanted a white room, white FOREVER. She said she'd spend her time sharpening her nails. She said so that she could claw peoples' eyes out. Right then I wished I were blind. Because if I were blind o wouldn't know what anything looked like. Then I wouldn't have been able to see her, with red, menacing eyes, bloodthirsty, clawing every person who crossed her path's eyes out,  and putting them in jars. Just like in the movies. After I said a few things, not sure what they were, she told me she would NEVER gouge peoples' eyes out. Then, instead of having super scary long nails covered in blood, she was holding a giant spoon, taking eyes out of their places with it....

And no, I guess I wasn't ready..... not at all was I ready... but I'll recover... eventually... it's never been that vivid, but then again, no one has ever directly told me that they would do something like that. I've lived with it for my entire life. I'm still stuck on when I was scared that blades would suddenly shoot at me from every corner of every non-living object... heh...

And yes, I know that it's not real but it is in my head. Haunting me. And telling me that it isn't real doesn't stop it from coming. I can tell myself that and it still doesn't work. So yeah... a little peice of my head.

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