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Today my sister stole my whistle because she was mad at me since I won't take her to the library and chaperone her playdate! Ugh I hate her! And especially my dad all he did was make me cry. I am crying right now at how corrupt this world has become, and most of all, that it found its way into every adult and two kids in my family as far I've met. Sure, a whistle isn't much but that she would still steal from me, to sneak in my room and just take it... I HATE her now! She could've just asked me if she could use it and I would've let her borrow it. And my dad doesn't even listen to my story! He just takes that smug little rat's opinion and goes on that! He never even realized that I was upset about the stealing, not the stupid aluminum on a string! I got in trouble with that thing and she is just struttin' around the house, whistling as loud as she can.....

And I'm laying here on my bed contemplating jumping out my window and breaking a bone or something. Just because... I'm mad... and I know that they don't care about us enough to have insurance on us....

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