Chapter 13

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"He's gone. He's not here to control me anymore. I only died my hair blonde because he wanted me to and I only changed my appearance because I felt like I needed to in order to play the Luna part. But, now I've found out that I don't need it. I'm my own person and if somebody doesn't like my attitude and appearance then so be it. It's their problem and they'll just have to deal with it their self. Besides that, I don't see how the way I look changes anything, anyways. I'm Lana and this is how I am."

Once my large speech was over, I stole a look at Adrian. He was sitting on the couch, tea cup in his hand, beautiful dark eyes wide, and mouth dropped open.

God, he's beautiful. I wonder if he's a good k-

Snap out of it, Lana!

Shaking myself from my daze, I spun on my now bare heel and started down the hall without looking back.


My fingers brushed the rough bark of the pine tree. Inhaling all of the scents that the luscious forest had to offer, I was lulled into a slight trance.

Using my enhanced senses to get a good mental picture of what was beyond my line of view at the moment, I sealed my eyes shut. A rapid river roared, water rushing in a jagged line. Eventually, the long river slowed down to a calm stream that leads to a large lake.

My eyes slightly opened and a grin painted my face. My hair whipping wildly around me, I rushed to the scene.

I had opted out on wearing simple black, sport shorts with a white tee shirt. As for my shoes, I wore a pair of white Nikes. My hair was now up in a lazy, floppy bun.

Coming to a skidding stop in front of the strong river, I watched the colors shift and change as light hit different angles. Seaweed was just beneath the surface, dancing and swaying in rhythm to the flowing water. Fish swam by in schools, moving with rapid speed.

A peaceful smile graced my face as I quickly moved to where the rapid broke and the slow river started. Pebbles covered the sandy bottom in a mosaic looking way.

Stepping into the narrow path of water, I savored the feeling of the sand sinking in between my toes. Walking slowly so I could absorb all that the scenery had to offer, I kept my head on a swivel. There was so much to see yet, there was so little time.

I then decided that this would officially be my spot. I would go here when I needed a break or even if I just felt like it.

Finally reaching the section where the stream extended and the lake emerged, I was knee deep in water. Yet, I knew I just had to swim in the crystal clear water.

So, I stripped down to my birthday suit and left my clothing in an unruly pile by a tree. Pulling my hair out of it's up-do, I nosedived into the surprisingly warm water.

As I floated on my back, I thought about what I should do about 'The Adrian Problem'.

I knew I couldn't just avoid him for the rest of my life. I also couldn't move out or force him to move out. So, I only had one choice: Confrontation.

Either he'd reject me and continue on with Adrianna, or he'd divorce Adrianna and be with me. Anything other than those two options would be irrelevant.

I'm a little uneasy about the thought of breaking up Adrianna and Adrian. That's weird for me.

You see, I was kind of a home wrecker in the past; breaking couples up by making out with some girl's boyfriend. Yet, this time, it's different. Adrian and Adrianna are married and happily in love.

So it's official; I stand no chance and I'm going to die alone.

In attempt to let go of all of my insecurities, I let myself sink into the deep water.

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