Part 4 The Relative's room

Start from the beginning

Luke's POV

It was getting late now, I was still waiting to hear if they had move Claire, and then the door to the relative's room open slowly and in walked Mr and Mrs Greenwood, Claire's parents. They both looked awful, ashen faces and looked like they had aged ten years. Mary walked quickly over to me and wrapped her arms around me. She shook in my arms as she cried. "Am so so very sorry." I managed to say and the lump in my throat was hurting from crying so much. Mary broke the hug and stepped back a little and placed her hand under my chin and lifted my head up, and looked into my eyes. "Luke you have nothing to be sorry for, you told us on the phone it was an accident..right?"

"Oh god yes it was it was an accident, you have to believe me I didn't do it on purpose." I replied through my tears. "And we believe you, look accidents happen, we cant turn back time, we just have to deal with the present okay." I nodded, how could she be so calm, why wasn't they shouting at me, blaming me for hurting the little girl, I deserved to be shouted at not pitted that's wrong just wrong.

Mary went to sit down and Terry walked over to me. Hit me please, hit I thought I deserve it, going on full in the face, but he didn't of course. He was just as calm as his wife, as calm as they always are, doesn't anything faze this people. Yes I have seen them laugh and I have seen them cry, but never in all the time I have know them have I heard them shout, get angry or fall out. He reached out to shake my hand, I took it and he pulled me into a hug. "It'll be okay son." He whispered into my ear. "It'll be okay." Again lost for words and full of emotion all I could do was nod. Terry went over and joined his wife and I sat back down, I was grateful for and my legs are still so weak.

"So have you heard any news?"

"Yeah a nurse came in about erm well." I looked at my watch, time seemed to have gone so slowly, but fast all at the same time it didn't make sense. "About an hour and a half ago and told me that Claire was unconscious, but stable, she has broken a few bones, their mainly concerned over her head injury and the baby, they say the baby is ok." Terry and Mary looked at each other and Terry held Mary's hand. I saw him gentle squeeze it when I give them the news that their grandchild was going to be ok. "They say if anything changes then they may have to deliver the baby earlier, but for now its safe for all concerned if it stays inside it mother." I hated calling our baby "it" I thought it sounds like its not human but it is, and it mine and Claire's baby, but me and Claire had decided that we didn't want to find out, we wanted the surprise, so we called our baby 'Bump'.

"They say they want to move her on to a ward, before we see her and a doctor is supposed to be coming to see me, but no-one has come as yet."

"Well am going to find out whats going on. I want to see my daughter"

"No! No please Terry, just please be patient as soon as they know anything they well let us know. They have been really good with me." I didn't think it was wise to tell them I had kicked off and got myself arrested, but I didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea and the police being called again.

"Can I get either of you a drink?"

"Ermm" Mary looked and Terry and he nodded

"Yes please Luke. That would be lovely, I will have a tea, white no sugar and Terry coffee, black 2 sugars, thank you dear."

I walked out of the room and towards the vending machine. I was starting to feel tired and I rub the back of my neck as I walk over to the machine. I put the money in to it and looked at the code for Mary's drink, after a few hums, gurgles and clicks the drink was ready. I took it out placed it on top of the machine and started the process again. Once I had the two drinks, I carried them carefully to the relative's room. I walked up to the door and attempted to open it with my left elbow. "Here let me get that for you" I looked round to the voice to see it was a Doctor, "Oh ermm okay thanks" I replied.

With Child - - **EDITED Aug 2017**Where stories live. Discover now