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When Tom woke up it was nearly two in the morning. He sat up to see Y/N sleeping in a very uncomfortable position and Bobby laid out across her lap, belly up. He quietly woke Bobby and got him to get down. In an effortless move he picked her up, she nuzzled against his body in her sleep. He carried her up stairs into her bed, Bobby ran past him to his bed that lay next to the foot of her bed. Tom followed and laid her down on her side of the bed before crawling in next to her and cuddling her. 

Y/N turned her head and gave him a sleepy kiss. "Night love."

He caressed her cheeked, he loved how she looked in the dark room where the only lighting was the city and moon light behind him. "Good Night Darling" He gave her one last kiss before pulling her closer. They both fell asleep.


Tom woke up around nine am to the sound of music and smell of bacon coming from downstairs. He stretched and sat up when Bobby ran in followed by Y/N with two plates of food.

"Morning sleepy head." She walked in smiling.

"Why didn't you tell me you were cooking darling? I would've helped." Tom huffed at her, causing a small laugh from her.

"Well, you carried my butt all the way upstairs last night and I could tell you were exhausted so I thought you'd like to sleep, but I also thought i'd be nice to serve you breakfast in bed." 

"Yeah I was tired," He took the plate from her. "Thank you, I do appreciate it." 

They both sat there and began to eat. After Y/N finished. She set her plate down, made a face of discomfort and laid down.

"You alright beautiful?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a bit stiff in my neck and shoulders from sleeping on the couch like that last night." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Don't be, You boys were adorable. You both can fall asleep on me anytime." They both laughed.

Tom set his now empty plate on the night stand next to him, and pats the bed in-between his legs. "Here."

"Yes Daddy."

Tom laughed out loud as he pulled her closer, he began to rub her neck and shoulders. Y/N immediately melted into his hands. "You're tense."

"I haven't had a proper massage in years."

"Seriously?" He looked at her shocked.

"We don't all have PA's to do whatever we want." She jokingly quipped.

"Ooh okay Missy. You're going to regret that."

She turned to look at him with a proud grin. "Looking forward to it."

Tom stopped massaging and stares at her. "Listen here," He starts tickling her causing her to squeal. She flipped and ended up pinning him to the headboard.

"No you behave or i'll handcuff you to the bed." She raised a brow.

"Promise?" He growled.

"Promise." She smiled before kissing him. 

In a swift movement Tom pulled Y/N's top off before he took one hand and unclasped and pulled her bra off. She pulled Tom's shirt up over his head. Y/N laughed before going for something in the drawer next to her and pulled out a small remote.

"What's that?" Tom asked, confused.

"You'll see." After pressing a few buttons, The shades over the windows began to shut and the radio turned on.

Tom paused, and laughed out loud when it registered what song it was. 

"Hey!" Y/N gave a hurt look. "I'll Make Love To You is a classic. Shush!" 

Tom flipped Y/N so she was now laying on her back, and began to sing in between each kiss he placed on her skin. 

"... Girl your wish is my command,"  kissed her clavicle bone, "I submit to your demands,"  kissed the center of her chest plate, she began laughing. "I will do anything,"  Kisses the bottom curve of her breast. "Girl you need only ask,"  He moved to her belly button. "I'll make love to you."  He pulled at her pajama shorts and thong and in a swift movement, both were gone. 

Y/N stopped laughing and sighed. "As much as I love this, and I do. I need you to put your mouth to more important use."

Tom laughed. "Like you want me to?"  He sarcastically added.

She playfully pulled his hair. "Behave."

"Yes Master." Tom teased.

Tom didn't know it than but he hit her switch. She immediately pushed him off and got up. She walked into the closet. "On your back, spread out." she ordered. She came back with silk restraints and few other goodies.

She first stripped him before tying his ankles and wrists to all four corners of the bed frame. Y/N then put a blindfold on him. Tom then felt many pieces of leather against his chest. He shivered and took a slow breath. 

She hits his chest with the whip. Tom hisses. Y/N slowly rolls a condom on his hardened member and just stands there quietly, enjoying the view before her.

"N/Y?" He shivered when he felt her hand slide across his inner thigh.

"Yes?" Her voice was low and seductive.

"I want you."

It was quiet again and Tom was trying to hear anything, when he heard very faint shuffling. Suddenly he felt the bed sink and could tell she was straddling him. He felt kisses down his neck, causing him to shift. Leaving kisses and bites down his chest. He felt lace against his skin, he knew she changed into lingerie. He was becoming impatient with her taking her time. He loved how she felt against him, her touches were angelic but he was becoming painfully hard.

Tom felt another hot smack of the whip against his outer thigh he thrusted upwards. In that exact moment Y/N slid over his cock. Tom moaned, not expecting it. She began to ride him in just the right tempo. He hated the blindfold he wanted to see her, he wanted to see her face as she moaned, he wanted to see the lace against her skin. What color it was. How she looked in it. "Take off this blindfold please." Tom begged between hard breathes. 

"No." Y/N answered flatly.

Frustrated, Tom yanked at his right arm so hard he broke the top of the corner of her bed frame allowing him free his hand. 

She froze. "Holy shit Tom."

He quickly untied his other wrist and tore his mask off his face. There she was with a deep red lace teddy with crotchless panties, top was clipped to thigh high pantyhose and black heels. He couldn't take it. She made him throb more than any woman before. 

He sat up and grabbed the back of her neck, staring straight into her eyes intensely only inches apart. "Untie my ankles." He ordered.

She quickly turned around and did so. Tom took full advantage of the view and began to fondle each butt check before taking a bite of her right one causing a one. Without releasing he took his fingers and slid the down to her tight wet opening. Once his ankles were free he arranged himself so he was on his knees behind her. He took the whip from the front of the bed and gave her bare ass a few hits.

She hissed and arched her back.  "Now my pet..." He snarled. "You're going to regret teasing me."

She gave a happy grin before biting her lip. "If you say so." She taunted.

Tom's eyes grew. "Oh that is it." He growled.

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