Day Out

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Warning: Smut, small mention of rape.


Tom woke up as the morning sun cascaded across the room. He looked over to Y/N spread out on her stomach, right knee to her side, hair laying across her bare back, and the sheet across her bottom. Her skin was like silk. He reached one of his large hands down her spine, sending a shiver throughout her. She was quite possibly the most gorgeous woman he's ever met. She was shorter than the girls he'd normally go for, her eyes seemed tired for such a young age. A scar about two inches long going down along the center of her spine. She was not gorgeous in the magazine, sort of way, but in the unfiltered, perfect kind of way. 

"I can hear you judging me." She mumbles against the pillow.

He looked at her puzzled, "Not judging, just taking in the sight of you." Runs his hand over her scar. "What's this from?"

She quickly got up, "Coffee?" she made her way over to the coffee bar. 

"Sorry didn't mean to pry. Coffee would be lovely, yes please."

She started brewing a pot before sighing and turning around. "She leaned her back against the coffee bar with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Not making eye contact. "I was in my first apartment out of college. I was stabbed. Home intruder. He wanted to make sure I didn't move while he ugh.." She trailed off, looking out the balcony sliding door. Turning around she began to pour Tom's coffee, "He meant to paralyze me or kill me, either way, he failed." She walked over to Tom who was sitting up now, with his arms on his knees in the center of the bed. 

He took the cup not letting go of her hand. "I'm sorry."

She took a sip of her coffee than just shook her head. "Don't be, it was a long time ago. It'll act up and cause pain every once in a while but other than that, it don't bother me." She picked up his button up from the floor. "You mind?" 

"Go ahead." He watched her pull the button up over her head, leaving the first four button's undone. He slowly sipped his coffee. "Looks better on you love." 

He beckoned her to the bed with a nod, setting his cup down at the nightstand closest to him. 

She set her coffee cup down beside his before crawling in bed beside him. He pulled her closer, sliding his index finger up and down the side of her neck. She looked at him, smiling. Tangling her fingers through his ginger locks she began to bring him into a slow, heated kiss.

Unlike previous times, they made love slowly. It wasn't rushed or hard. They took their time with each other. They explored every inch of one another's bodies. What spots caused shivers and moans. It was sweet and passionate, heated and sweaty. Their bodies sticking to each other, it was thundering moments of tenderness rage. 

After the act, they lay there struggling to catch their breaths. They both heartily laugh, and leaned into one another for a kiss. Y/N's cell begins to ping. She checks it.

"It's a text from my dad, everyone is getting together at two."

"What time is it now?" He asks, leaning up against his elbows.

"6:50 am." She answers.


"Yes. Shower first." She quickly gets up, tip toing to the bathroom, Tom follows.

After showering, they get changed and head downstairs to their waiting Uber. They headed to Frank's for a delicious breakfast, Tom found the train box car theme quite appealing. Afterwards they headed to the milk bottle for some milkshakes. They began to walk down the street drinking their milkshakes.

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