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It was the 1st of October, the first day of the academic year at Cambridge University in the UK. Actor, Tom Hiddleston was visiting his old professor Mrs. Davies Classical Studies class. He was there to give a small speech on his time in her class and what the class has done for him, personally. He dressed in a dark grey suit. He often dressed in suits, he always liked the way he felt in one. And honestly the attention he received while wearing one. He was rearing the end of his speech...

"... So you'll be advised to listen to Mrs. Davies here" they shot each other a small smile. "If it wasn't for her knowledge and her EXTREME patience with me" he softly laughed, causing a small laugh from the students and a smile from the professor. "I wouldn't be where I am today or have the love and respect for Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Dekker. I wouldn't have the honor to be on stages or screen's. I wouldn't have been able to play Robert in Betrayal, Cpt. James in King Kong, or,"  He pauses. "Loki." 

This causes the class to cheer for a moment. Which Tom laughs off.

"Thank you. So if you are serious about your future, than soak this in. Soak in all the information this lovely lady, " points at Mrs. Davies "can offer you. Bring your own mind and heart to the table. You can't lose."

the class claps causing a small nodded bow from Tom. He went and sat down listening to rest of the lecture. He stays to shake hands and take a few pictures. Gives a hug or two to a beloved professor and leaves. 

He decides to take a walk. Pulling up the collar of his pea coat as he exits the building. It was cold this time of season in the UK, a damp cloudy day. He smiled at those walking by as he buttoned his coat making his way to the library. He lazily walked the aisles of the darkened library when he see's her.

 She caught his attention immediately. Her wavy jet-black  hair cascading over her caramel colored skin, a silk hunter green gown hugged her petite frame. She was small in stature but held herself high. The grey clouds outside and poor lighting inside did nothing to show off how beautiful she was. Yet, still, he noticed. She held her heels in between two fingers with a book in the same hand. Her eyes fixated on the words she was reading, grazing each word with the index finger of the opposite hand. He stood there, hands in his pant pockets, staring. 

He thought for a moment, thinking if he should say something, anything. He felt a familiar twitch, he adjusted; unnoticeably with his hands. She spoke. "Are you going to say Hello, or just stare all day?" Y/N asked softly looking up from her book.

Shit! she noticed  he thought, of course she noticed  he had been staring for a least a solid minute. She's American, he thought. Didn't expect that. He takes a few steps forward. "Hi, sorry. I'm Tom."

"I know who you are, still doesn't tell me why you were staring." Y/N says, as if, unimpressed.

Her eyes were mahogany, beautiful. "Sorry for staring. You don't usually see women dressed so admirably in a University library." He blushes and softly laughs, looking down a tad embarrassed.

She studies him, closing her book with the hand it laid in. "You usually don't see world famous actors in one either." 

"True. May we try this again? " He extends his hand. "Hello, my name is Tom Hiddleston. Pleasure to meet you.." pausing for her name.

She's silent for a moment and without removing eye contact she places the book back. He makes a quick look at the title as she places it back. Coriolanus by William Shakespeare. He can't help but chuckle inside at the irony. She extends her hand, "Ms. Y/N Mendoza. Pleasure's all mine Mr. Hiddleston."

Another twitch, and lump in his throat. He prays she doesn't notice. "You may call me Tom."

She slowly pulls her hand away, "You may call me Y/N" noticing the the twitch this time. She slowly looks down and back up, smiling. "So what is a man of your popularity doing here?"

Tom smiles. 

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                                                        Picture just because

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                                                        Picture just because... well look at him ;)

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