My cheeks grew warm under his intense stare and the contact of his rough yet slender fingers gently holding my chin, "And what about the enemy?"

The corners of his lips turned upwards ever so slightly, "We're going to find out their next move through the merchant so that we can send a lethal force later on. Most importantly we just need more information."

I nodded in understanding, still honestly confused as to why they had to send just Shikamaru and I to handle this and not someone like Yamato who was notoriously good at posing as the enemy in disguise. Whatever, I guess it's just because we were already working on this group before hand and it would be easier than briefing new shinobi on the matter. Right?

Deciding to read I pulled out a more appropriate novel than the last one I read when Shikamaru came knocking at my door, a poetry book, and delved into it while Shikamaru laid quietly on the bed. Every once in a while, I looked over to make sure he wasn't sleeping only to see him deep in thought and opening his eyes here and there. The sky started to grow dark and I could feel my stomach start to grumble ever so slightly.

Shikamaru shifted, his head turning towards me, "You hungry yet?"

I nodded, setting my book down, "Yeah actually I'm starting to feel a little hungry. Do you want to use that rice and seaweed you brought?"

"To make what?"

I giggled a little, "Just rice and seaweed I guess...I brought some jerky if you really need a meat fix."

He smiled at me and sat up, "I'm good with rice and seaweed. Let's eat."

We ate in silence at the small table that was set up as a makeshift dining spot and I couldn't help but feel more and more awkward about being alone with him. We went about our own business for most of the night and I had decided to take a quick shower, knowing we had running water now, and when I came back out of the bathroom I saw Shikamaru looking at me sheepishly in his under clothes. He looked similar to that night and I felt my mouth grow dry as my nerves rose. I was in a pair of shorts and a black cropped tank top that I usually wore under my gear anyway, but instead of his eyes roaming over me like most men, he couldn't lift his eyes from the floor.

"What's up?"

Shikamaru rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't think to bring my sleep pack...but if you have yours maybe I can use it and you can take the bed?"

I blushed profusely at the realization that I also didn't have my sleep pack, "No it's okay, you take the bed and I'll take the couch."

He shook his head, "No I can't let you sleep on that ratty thing; you take the bed and I'll take the couch."

An exasperated laugh let me as I sized up the man in front of me before looking at the tiny two-seater couch, "Shikamaru you don't even fit on the couch."

His eyes widened at this realization, "Well if you take the couch I'll take the floor."

Stubborn man...

"Shika," a sigh left my mouth and he visibly softened at the sound of his nickname, "that's just stupid."

He crossed his arms and chuckled at me, "Well then take the bed."

I bit my lip as a sudden thought crossed my mind, nervous about my next words, "Why don't we—I mean we can just..."

His eyes bored into me, "Hm?"

Refusing to meet his eyes now I tossed my towel to the side, "We'll share the bed."

His jaw fell slightly slack, "Oh, um...I don't know if—"

"I know it's such a drag, but there's plenty of room for two of us."

Shikamaru looked at me dumb-founded and eventually sighed in defeat, "Okay, it's just one night anyway," he was lying to himself now, unbeknownst to Choi, "then I'm going to turn in for the night."

I nodded in agreement, "I was too...just um...stay on your side."

He laughed as the bed dipped under his weight, him taking the side closest to the door, "I sleep like a log Choi, you stay on your side troublesome woman."

Rolling my eyes, I also crawled into bed, finding myself staring at the ceiling, in shock of the fact that I was sharing a bed with Shikamaru Nara. The shadow ninja that I used to hate and now suddenly like a little too much?

Shikamaru's POV

We laid in absolute silence, neither one of us asleep yet, I could tell by her breathing that she was still awake. My nerves were shot from just being in the same bed as her, our arms a mere three inches away from touching and all of her body heat begging me to come closer. I felt my eyebrows furrow as I laid there thinking about how stupid I was to not have packed my sleeping mat, then again was I really that upset about it? After a long while I turned to face her, she was breathing slower and had her hair strewn about wildly. Deciding to take a chance, I hesitantly moved closer to her. Our arms were touching now and it felt like electricity in my veins, it only went crazier when she did the most curious thing. Choi's eyes stayed glued shut, seemingly relaxed, as she turned to face me and burrowed herself closer forcing me to open my arms and let her bury herself in my chest. She let out a breath of relief and soon I heard soft snores emitting from her as I laid there, almost too shocked to enjoy it. After a few moments lost in thought, I gently wrapped my arms around her in return, feeling her smaller frame melt into me and letting my chin rest on top of her head now able to smell her alluring natural scent.

She was so fucking perfect...

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