I tossed the towel aside and pulled on a pair of black tights and a simple white shirt. I realised I missed the hug of the silk kefta.

I walked out of the bathroom with a confidence I did not feel.

The Darkling nodded at a chair across from where he was seated.

I felt a rebelliousness bubble up within me. I walked right past the chair and headed towards his bed.

I sat down on it with all the grace I could muster which honestly, wasn't much. I could feel myself becoming tipsy. The Darkling was staring at me with a slight smirk.

"Where are you going to sleep ?" I said running my hand over the bed's sheet. It was truly the softest, most luxurious material I had ever felt.

"It's rather bold to kick a man out of his own bed." his voice was joking but his eyes remained cold. He poured more alcohol into his glass, tipping the bottle in my direction to offer me some.

I eagerly stretched my empty glass in his direction. As he refilled the glass he studied me carefully.

"Do you have an amplifier ?"

I looked down at the glass, twirling the liquid in soothing circles. I nervously bit my lip. "I... I don't think so."

His brows furrowed, "Why are you not certain?"

I felt panic crawling around my throat. I took another sip of the alcohol. "I don't like talking about it." I managed to croak out. I saw his eyes flicker with dissatisfaction and felt a strange tingle travel through my body. I could see he wanted to press the issue. So before he could, I spoke up. "I can't remember the last time I've been this tired."

The Darkling nodded and I swear I detected a hint of kindness in his voice. "Get some sleep."

I looked down at the bed uncertainly. "You can have the bed." he smirked.
"But where will you..?"

He nodded his head at a velvet couch at the edge of the tent.

I smiled sheepishly before laying down. Letting out a content sigh as the material hugged me close.

Saints, I was tired.

I suddenly felt exceptionally uncomfortable at the thought that the Darkling would be watching me sleep.  But as the thought appeared it was overshadowed by pure fatigue.

I drifted off into a dreamless sleep seconds after closing my eyes.

I popped my head into the medical circus tent, my hair still in disarray.

Liam smiled up at me from where he was propped up on his elbows, the morning light bouncing off his hair. The sight filled me with indescribable relief and happiness. I was so happy, even the sight of Alik couldn't sour my mood.

"You had me worried there, you little bugger." I said pulling him into a hug.
"Bastard kept trying to die on us." Alik said narrowing his cruel eyes.

"Being impaled by an arrow was no fun for me either." He said shrugging playfully. "But look, no scar." He said lifting his blonde fringe.

Someone roughly grabbed me by my arm. I was met with Tanja's worried eyes. "The General has called for you."

"I'll go to him in a second." I smiled pleasantly. Tanja gapped for air, reminding me of a goldfish. "You need to come with me now, the General doesn't like waiting."

"Somehow I'm not surprised." I laughed. I felt rather awkward when no one else even smiled. Alik just further narrowed his eyes and Tanja's eyes looked even more panicked. Liam laughed slightly bit quickly covered it as a cough.

"Alright. " I sighed in defeat allowing Tanja to lead me away. The scene outside the tent felt panicked and chaotic. I saw 2 Squaller and 3 Inferni on horseback. 4 more Heartrenders where rushing closer, horses in tow. I spotted the Darkling's brilliant black horse before I spotted the Darkling. He was headed toward Tanja and I. He looked at me and I was overcome with the oddest sensation. It felt like he was reaching into me and tugging at my soul. Well, that's not something you experience frequently.

"What's wrong ?" I said feeling my earlier happy mood evaporate. "The Cedar Guard have attacked Nicolas's farm." He said with a calmness I wish I felt.

I felt my breathing become shallow. Before I could fully comprehend what I was doing, I had started charging towards the nearest horse. The Darkling spun around looking after me completely bewildered.

"Where are you going?" he growled. The anger in his voice made me halt in my steps.

"I need to get to him." I said turning around to meet his angry gaze. He seemed to regain his calm facade and took a few steps closer. "I don't remember giving you permission to tag along."

"I don't remember asking." I bit out, feeling the need to lash out qbd hit something. And if the Darkling wasn't careful, it would be him.

Tanja's eyes were comically large, they looked like they were about to pop out of her head.

The Darkling was haughtily staring at me. I met his gaze with equal venom, refusing to break eye contact.

"Fine." He sighed after what felt like an eternity. "On one condition."

He closed the distance between us and firmly took hold of my arm.
"You ride with me."


I wished for the ride to the farm house to be over sooner. At the same time I wished the ride would never end. I did not want to lose hope. Somehow I could already sense it was all I truly had left. I had a sick feeling that I did not want to know the horrors that awaited at the place I had once called home.

Complete silence filled the air as the Darkling helped me off the horse's back. Absentmindedly I realised that the Cedar Gaurd had taken all the wheat.

The Darkling's expression was unreadable as he looked up at the branches of the large oak tree that stood in the farm yard. I followed his gaze.

"Saints." The Darkling whispered as he ran a hand over his jaw.

The sight was more horrifying, more sickening, more vile than I could have ever imagined.


Hi all.

I'm curious. Do you prefer Show Darkling or Book Darkling ?

I'm thinking of doing an Alexander POV...
Let me know if you think I should take a crack at it.

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