Chapter 32

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Ben wakes up because of someone stroking his hair. He lets out a soft groan, not wanting to wake up just yet. But then he feels three gentle taps on the tip of his nose.
I love you.
The I love you sign.
His eyes slowly flutter open, instantly meeting with a pair of glassy hazel eyes. "Joey?" Ben mumbles with a smile, his voice still a bit husky from just waking up.
Joe smiles at his sleepy boyfriend, really hoping the smile is visible through the oxygen mask.
Ben smiles back, intertwining their fingers. "I love you too." He whispers. His face falls into a confused look when he sees Joe's eyes move to another part of the room. That's when Ben realises they're not the only ones here behind the white curtains. He starts to blush when he turns around and sees Joe's parents standing there.
"Don't mind us." Will says with a smile.
Ginnie nods in agreement, simply just watching the two teens love each other.
"H-how long have you guys been here already?" Ben asks a bit embarrassed.
Joe's mom checks her watch. "Well, one of the nurses smuggled us in when it was time for Joe's checkup. So less than ten minutes, I think." She says with a smile. "We didn't want to wake you, but Joe had other plans." She says with a giggle.
Ben looks at Joe and smiles widely. That smile, however, fades when his phone rings once again.
"Everything okay?" Will asks when Ben sighs softly.
The boy shrugs. "I called Gwil during the next because I was kinda upset, and I think I worried him a little. He won't stop calling and texting me." He explains.
Ginnie walks over to Ben, and gently places a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you should give him something back?" She says softly.
Ben nods. "Yeah. Just not now." He says, rubbing his thumb over Joe's knuckles. He smiles when Joe starts drawing small hearts on the inside of his hand with his finger.

After a while of Ben talking to Joe about anything and everything, Joe's parents can see that both Ben and Joe have to make an effort to keep their eyes open.
"Ben, darling, why don't we go home, hm?" Ginnie suggests.
The blond boy frowns a little, not wanting to leave Joe at all.
"You two are both exhausted. You both need some rest." Will adds.
Ben looks at Joe with an uncertain look in his eyes.
The latter gives him a sleepy smile before nodding, to say his parents are right.
And so, Ben slowly starts nodding. "Okay then." He gets up, and leans in to give his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow, I promise. Try to get some rest, okay?" He says softly.
Joe nods at that.
"Sweet dreams baby." Ben whispers in Joe's ear, making sure only he can hear it.
Joe shows him a weak smile and reluctantly unlinks their fingers, knowing Ben has to leave. Then he looks at his parents.
"I don't know when we will get to see you again, but when we get the chance we'll come visit you again, okay?" Will says. He looks at his wife, his heart aching when he can see tears sparkling in her eyes.
Joe nods and gives his parents a small smile.
"Bye honey." Ginnie whispers to her son. But she doesn't move away from his bed.
And so Will takes her hand. He mutters something reassuring to her before gently pulling her along towards the exit.
Ben can't help but smile a little when Will puts an arm around him.
Joe waves at the three before watching them disappear behind the white curtains. Reassured that his dad will look after Ben and his mom, Joe allows his eyes to fall close. His body sinks a little deeper into the mattress, trying not to focus on the sounds coming from the intensive care. He just focuses on falling asleep, feeling more exhausted than ever.


"Your house is really lovely Mrs Mazzello." Ben says once Ginnie has unlocked the front door to their home.
Ginnie smiles. "Thank you darling. And please just call us Ginnie and Will. We want you to make yourself at home." She says.
To which her husband nods in agreement.
Ben smiles, overflown with relief and a feeling of safety. "Thank you." He says softly.
Will is the first one to have taken off his shoes and jacket, and walks into the living room. Soon, Ben and Ginnie follow him.
"So, here we are." Ginnie mutters. Even though she tries to keep smiling for Ben's sake, the teenager sees right through it.
"Are you okay?" Ben asks her.
Ginnie shrugs. She walks over to the couch and plops down. "I know he's been in the hospital lots of times now. It's just... I've always been with him. I know I wasn't allowed to visit before. But I knew he'd be fine with you looking after him. Now he's on his own." She says, her voice nearly above a whisper.
The blond shakes his head. "He's not alone. Lucy will look after him. Not just because it's her job, but also because she's become our friend. I promise." He says.
Ginnie smiles, this time genuinely. She reaches up, gently cupping Ben's cheek. "You're sweet." She says to the boy. "You look tired. Get some rest, okay?" She adds.
Ben nods. "I'll try." He says.
Will looks at the two, shooting Ben a quick wink. "You'll have to sleep in Joe's bed though. We don't have a guest room." He says. "First door on your right." He says, looking at the stairs.
Ben nods. "Thanks."
"Sleep well darling." Ginnie says.

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