Laxton: and my how you've grown. Back when I was researching at Cerise lab you were only this tall.

(We see Laxton roaring and playing with a very young Chloe who's giggling and sitting on Ren'd back)

Young Chloe: Laxton you're funny.

(Back to the present)

Laxton: and I assume you're Ash, Goh and (Y/N). Pleased to meet you. Welcome to Laxton farm.

Ash: nice to meet you too.

Goh: thank you for having us.

Laxton: now let's get you settled.

Laxton: before we see the problem area I was hoping you'd try some of my fresh baked produce (we see all sorts of berries and vegetables) go ahead and help yourselves to whatever looks tasty.

Ash: alright.

Goh: wow. I didn't know there were tomatoes like this.

Chloe: you're kidding.

Goh: no, I mean, I guess I knew but this is the first time I've ever saw them growing on the vine.

(Y/N): I can tell these fruit and veg are handled with great care.

Laxton: why thank you.

(Chloe picks off one as do the boys)

Laxton: now take a big bite

All of them: thanks so much.

(They bite into it)

Ash: man is that good.

Goh: it tastes so fruity and sweet.

Chloe: and the aroma is out of this world

(Y/N): I gotta say even though I don't like to,takes this is definitely not bad.

Goh/Chloe/Ash: the hey did you even choose it to eat.

(Y/N): I wanted to feel included and be in the same wavelength in conversation.

(Pikachu and the two eevees are enjoying them too)

Laxton: now that's just what I'd like to see. The whole reason I got into farming was for smiles just like that. Research and farming both exist to help make people happy, go on and eat as much as you like

Ash: (eating) it's yummy.

(They're eating as (Y/N) watches Chloe who is inspecting the soil)

Chloe: this is great soil.

Laxton: oh you noticed.

Chloe: sure I'm in charge of flowers at my school.

Laxton: a tip. I gather old shells that golem have shed then grind them up to use as fertiliser.

(She pictures Laxton holding up an empty hollow golem shell)

Chloe: really (freaked out)

Ash/Goh: I couldn't eat another bite.

Goh: tell me Laxton where are the diglett and dugtrio located.

Laxton: follow me and see for yourself.

(We cut over to a carrot farm)

Laxton: this is the biggest field we have here on Laxton farm. Right now we have carrots planted here but...

(We see voltorb rolling in)

Goh: huh? It's that voltorb from before.

(We see voltorb gently zapping a bit of weed as it disappears)

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