At this point I'm mortified.

This is it.

This is the moment I'm gonna die.

I looked at him and saw his features soften.

"Your lucky your my PA and since I have and specific reputation with my PA's. Because by now you'd already have a bullet in your skull." He said and loosened his grip on me.

"But that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you roam around freely." He said sternly.

"I'll sign an NDA and the problem is solved." I said trying to understand what he means but "not letting me roam around freely ".

"You really think I'd trust you with an NDA?" He chucked.

"This information is worth more then any NDA costs would ever come close too, It doesn't only incriminate me but others." He said slowly explaining, like I'm some child which needed a direct instruction on everything, which is obviously not the case.

Well that didn't help.

"Your still gonna be my personal assistant, but from now on your gonna be ...under my care." He said smirking.

"What do you mean by that?" I said confused by what he meant.

"From now on your living with me, and your job of serving me is officially 24/7."He said simply.

My jaw dropped.

"Sir, I-I can't- "I said but stopped myself when I saw he waved the gun which was still in his hand.

Oh fuck

I'm screwed.

"Why not? Don't worry my men will take care of your things in your apartment you'll have them in no time." He said not even looking at me anymore and going to sit in his desk, putting his legs up on it and playing with his gun as if it ware a toy.

This view didn't surprise me at all. After all I've seen today that would be hard to do so.

"Don't you have... work to do?" He said suggesting I get back to my tasks.

This is just great.

I say in front of my computer and started typing away.

Every few minutes I saw someones eyes on me. I know very well who's gaze it was.

After doing my work, finally not running around the building all the time, I stood up but forgot I wasn't supposed to leave.

I put my hand on the door handle to find out it was locked.

I looked at the only other person in the room.

He was smirking.


"Y/N you really never learn don't you?" He said and chuckled a bit.

He stood up and at that time I was really panicking.

"He said he wouldn't kill me" I reminded myself over and over.

He sharply pulled my hand and held my waist with the same hand he still held his gun.

Chills run over my body.

'We're now gonna leave the office and go to my private elevator which leads to my garage and my car. You have nowhere to run so don't even try. And if you make a sound it'll be over for your receptionist friend.' He said and opened the door.

My lips were shut.

I didn't dare to say a word.

After crossing a corridor out of his office we ware in his elevator. I've never been here before. The walls are red with gold accents on the ceiling and the floor is made out gray marble.

Fancy is an understatement.

The elevator soon hit the -1 floor and the doors opened.

We entreated the garage and I got dragged by the tall dark hair guy into a black Gwagon.

We drove away leaving the garage pretty fast. My heart was racing because of the speed we ware driving at.

Soon we entered a really rich looking neighborhood. The type with villas with pools? tennis courts and a private beach.

So is this where he lives?

Soon the cat stopped on a parking spot of a majestic villa. The rows of trees and a waterfall near the entrance really made an impression on me since I've never seen anything like this before.

But is all this acquired by killing? I thought to myself, praying the situation I noticed today morning was just a big misunderstanding.

'Get out of the car' He said but I froze unable too move.

He turned to look at me with a stern expression.

'Get out!' He repeated again this time loudly.

My hands started shaking, I'm paralyzed.

He got out of the car and walked to my car door, opened it and yanked me out of the car.

He dragged me to the house, the huge doors opened and we entered. We went into the corridor and entered some room.

Where the fuck is he taking me?!

He pinned me against the wall again.

"Drop the attitude, you won't have any use of it here." He said, his features looking dangerous.

I looked at him dead in the eyes trying to see any emotion. There was none.

After a few seconds of silence he finally spoke.

"This is your room." He said with a monotone voice and left.

I should be scared of him, if it was anyone else I probably would but somehow he made me feel same, even if all the said ware threats.

Once I was alone I looked around.

The white walls and big skylight windows complemented each other well. The furniture was elegant and modern, I can't complain, I like it.

I sat on the bed, it was like a cloud so as expected I didn't even notice when I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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