Chapter four

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My next day came around and I wasn't dreading it so much as I thought I would.

I got up and changed to some simple clothes (beige pants and a white turtleneck) and was off to work with my best friend.

Once we reached the building we of course made our ways to our places. Me going to that cursed eleventh floor.

I reached my bosses office in no time. Him already waiting impatiently since I have been late a bit.

„Miss Park I hope you remember my coffee."
He said again not even sparing a glance at me.

I turned back on the door way and went to make him his coffee.

I guess this will be my next tradition.

I made it normally, just a black coffee since I herd from Lin that mr.Oh doesn't like milk and sugar in his drink.

I went back up, upstairs and saw someone familiar in Mr.Oh's office

It's that guy from the club


But why's he here?

Weren't they competitors?

Competitors don't usually visit each other in there offices to talk just like that so what the hell was going on.

I stood behind the door and listened.

„She's not yours so why would I care " I heard Luhans familiar voice.

"I don't care, she's under my rule so you have no claim on her!" This time I heard my bosses loud husky voice.

Wonder who are they talking about.

I decided to knock on the door because I didn't want to be late and get into any trouble today, maybe I won't be treated like shit because of it..

There heads snapped into my direction as I entered the room. Luhan looked at me with and amused smirk while my boss almost growled.

„I'm sorry for interrupting- " I started but was cut off.

„Oh you didn't interrupt anything. I was actually looking for you, you know I also need a personal assistant. I can guarantee you would be treated better in Lu corporati-" Luhan said undressing me with his eyes and passing me a business card. When I get a chance to touch it my boss snatched it from Luhans hand.

"She won't be needing it, Lu. She's treated here good." He said with a deadly gaze.

Oh is that so?

Luhan smirked again and leaned to whisper in my ear.

"Think about it" He said and winked at me before leaving. I got goosebumps but quickly shook it off and made my way to my desk where I saw a pile of paper. That's probably my work.

I sat behind my desk but quickly averted my gaze to my boss since he called me.

"Get up. We have to go." He said coldly. And went out of the room. I stood up and quickly followed him since I had no idea where were going.

Soon we arrived a big marble corridor while a  big black door stood before us. A conference room. I am finally taken seriously and not babied around. Did this have to do with Luhans offer? Maybe, but I'm not complaining.

My boss, being the CEO of the whole company sat at the top of the rectangular table. I preceded to sit next to Jun a few seats away from my boss.

"No, no. Miss Park sit next to me" The CEO spoke and I got goosebumps. I nodded and stood up to sit next to my boss.

"Alright, James you can start." He said gesturing to a guy standing next to the board ready for his presentation.

I look around not believing this is really happening since I wanted to be here for a while now. I'm finally being treated right and I still can't believe it.

The meeting lasted about and hour. I constantly kept catching Jun looking at me while my boss glaring at him, probably to stop and focus on the presentation. Today's topic was the finances in the company and how we've been getting so many new investors recently.

Mr. Oh decided it would be a good idea to fave a party for them and that was an idea we couldn't oblige. Since he's the fucking CEO.

We set the date and I got tasked with organizing the event. That's definitely more interesting then paper work or bringing coffee.


I was ending my shift for today and ready to go home with Lisa who was already waiting for me downstairs when I heard someone call me from down the hall.

When I turned around I saw Jun running in my direction.

"Hey Jun, what's up?" I asked seeing him now standing in front of me.

"Hey, I'm fine. And you?" He asked fidgeting with his hands.

"I'm fine too" I replied.

"So, I wanted to ask you. Would you maybe want to grab coffee soon?" He asked.

„Sure" I said right away not thinking too much.

I excused myself and left taking a turn down the hall to the right. I was met with someone's chest. I looked up and saw a handsome face which belonged to my hot boss.

"I-I um" I stuttered a bit until I could avert my gaze down to stop the eye contact.

"Sorry" I heard from the tall guy.

It was the first time I heard those words from him. I looked up and noticed I failed to noticed his clenched jaw and sharp gaze on me before. He looked furious. But why?

"Mr.Oh, is everything okey?" I asked hoping it's not my fault why he's probably planning on kiling me.

He looked at me for a brief second and smirked playfully.

"From what I remember you're not a coffee fan" he said and scoffed lightly.

He must've heard my conversation then.

The fire in us I Sehun FF Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum