"Your starts gonna be rocky. I hope you lose," Changbin said quickly as soon as he noticed the windows about to shut. The driver raised his hand and showed an ok sign, chuckling when the windows were completely closed.

If there was one thing Han Jisung lived for, it was the risk. Even in Japan, the second home to street racing, he wouldn't give up. He'd give it his all. Racing, Driving; it was his dream, his will, everything he lived for. You didn't just give up on your dream. If you did, you were either a weak individual or it wasn't a dream you were trying to achieve. He remembered the day he got to see his inspiration on the track. He was seven and his dad had bought tickets to a professional race—one his all time favorite racer was competing in. Jisung frowned, turning to look at the car next to him. Mint green. The guy's car was the same color as the one his inspiration was driving when he collided with another racer and exploded. He looked away.

He promised himself after that day he would never become a professional driver. If you were gonna die doing the thing you loved, you might as well give it everything you've got. No rules, no holding back. That's why he street raced.

"We all know how this goes ladies and gentlemen!" A voice echoed across the street. Screams cheered for the cars lined up in a row. His first thought was how slutty the girl with a white flag was. She walked in front of the cars, lipstick smeared all over her lips. She had obviously been up to something minutes prior. Her zipper was unzipped and her hair was a mess. God her outfit disgusted him. That poor girl didn't deserve to be looked at like she was prey from the hogs called men. Then again, maybe she liked the attention. Whatever got you through life, he supposed. For Jisung, it was racing, definitely not collecting a bunch of STD's from international druggies.

Jisung discarded the thought and smirked, hands moving to their needed destinations. Left on the steering wheel, right on the stick. He stretched his fingers before fixing them so they were gripping comfortably, eyes narrowing in on the road in front of him. It was a six mile race. The first one to cross the line took home second place's car. A huge gamble.  That was fine. Jisung didn't do easy. He was gonna show all these racers that his "trashy" car could blow them away.

The racer took a deep breath, revving his engine along with the others. They made clearer sounds than his own engine. They were already underestimating him. He could feel it. "Relax Han. You got this. They don't know what you can do. You'll show them."


Jisung leaned back, rolling his shoulders in circles.


His fingers tightened around the wheel, back resting against the seat.


His already visible grin widened as a ticklish feeling spread throughout his chest. This was it. His first race in Japan.


In just half of a second, all the cars had sped past him. Jisung chuckled, switching into first gear quickly and pressing down on the gas. He'd memorized the whole street system of the area they were racing. This meant he knew his fair share of short cuts. Cheating? Maybe to some. Jisung always kept in mind that street racing had no rules. He used that against anyone who tried to tell him he was unfair.

It wasn't his fault he was a good driver. Like Changbin had said, the start wasn't ideal. The other racers were about two seconds ahead of him because of it. Jisung wasn't worried. He'd find a way around it. He always did. Shooting out of the long alleyway the racers started in, he pressed the button on his hand break and pulled it up so that he could slide into the eastbound lane. He pushed the button again and set the break back to its home spot. He moved his right hand back to the gear shift after the little action. Gears were pretty confusing. Especially when racing. You had to constantly switch them up because of the sudden changes in speed. Most found it difficult too, because of the multi-tasking.

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