14. Out of the Shadows

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He was getting closer. Much closer. Sakura managed to push herself up from the cold stone floor and scooted backwards so she was half sitting against the generator.

Now that the dizziness had subsided, Sakura could think more rationally. The psychic's attack had thrown her across the room, and the object she'd cut her head on was apparently the generator itself. By her calculations, there was approximately ten metres from where she was lying to the exit, which was locked, and she could already feel the shadowy presence hovering above her.

I might not be able to attack him when he's hidden in the shadows like this, but I can attack the darkness itself!

The Spirit Blast wouldn't be enough for this. There was only one option. But it was going to require precise timing, and a little more stalling.

"You can't stop this, Sakura!" the mystery psychic hissed. "Whatever you're planning, that tunnel will open. Nothing will stand in our way!"

"But why?" she asked. "Why do you want to be part of this? The whole earth will be destroyed!"

The distorted voice laughed louder than ever. "Dark Angel showed me the truth," he purred. "The human race needs to be wiped out,"

Haruki could feel the other psychics monitoring the situation from behind his physical body. Sensui would call him back soon, and then he'd have to wait for the next phase of the plan. But for now, he was going to indulge in the opportunity. Or at least, his shadow form would.

He reached out once more to touch the girl's delicate skin. Sakura whimpered the second he made contact. The sound caused another shiver of delight for Haruki. He continued to trace down her jawline, towards her neck. He could hardly breathe with the frustration and excitement of having her so close, yet so far away.

Sakura was frozen stiff, completely numb with fear. Those cold fingers on her face were more possessive than anything she'd ever imagined. And they were most certainly not from a human, or an apparition.

Who the hell is this freak?

Slowly, Haruki stroked through her lustrous hair and pressed his shadow mouth as close to her ear as possible. He wanted Sakura to hear every syllable of his voice, and he didn't want to miss any of her reaction to his words.

"It must happen, Sakura," Haruki whispered. "You'll understand why soon enough,"

Her sharp intake of breath was more thrilling than he could have hoped for.


Yusuke stayed absolutely still, trying to think of what to do. He'd just witnessed the psychic reattach his own severed limb without batting an eye. Kamiya wasn't even pretending to be balanced anymore.

How the hell am I supposed to stop this freak?

But for now, Kamiya seemed more concerned with talking than fighting. The friendly doctor persona had evaporated, and in the shadows Kamiya looked even more psychotic.

"These powers we psychics have acquired... I think they relate to our own talents and personalities," Kamiya observed. "Like me, a Doctor. I developed the power to save patients who would otherwise die on the table. But then, I chose to use my gifts to kill,"

Yusuke gave a small smile. "So tell me. Which one of your friends is pulling your strings?"

Kamiya growled. He hadn't expected the detective to make such a comment. The boy's sister must've figured it out somehow. He'd heard Sensui and Ghost talk about her telepathic abilities.

"Really, which one?" Yusuke continued while taking a few steps forward. "Is it Sea Man? Game Master? Gourmet? You're not sane enough to be the leader,"

"You know their names?!?"

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