The Death Of Josh Dub (Eddie, Josh)

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Warning, Murder, cursing, faking a suicide note

"Josh!?" You called into the empty mansion.

"What!?" Called a stressed tired voice.

"Uhm... Its me! Y/N! I came to apologize!" You answer, knowing it was Josh.

"You better have brought kneepads, bitch!" Josh growled.

"Make me a prairie oyster  and I'll THINK about it!" He adds.

       You quickly get to the kitchen.

"Prairie oyster... I need eggs... hot sauce--" You start.

"Vinegar, table salt, and ground black pepper." Finishes Eddie.

"You know your recipes, don't you." You tease.

"My dad did raise me well."

"Oh- we should spit in it-- pay back." You say.

"I think I'm a Dish Cleaner person, myself." Joked Eddie, holding the chemical bottle in his hand.

"Eddie, that can kill people." You say. He pours the chemical into a glass cup. "Thus, ending his hang over." He sang jokingly.

"Josh wouldn't drink that." You add. "Oh right. Let's use a mug... then he won't see it."

"Eddie, stop you're not funny." You say, slightly getting upset.

"Hey..." Eddie started, setting the mug down on the counter and walking towards you. "I'm sorry... Okay?"

Eddie leaned down and kissed you. You kissed back, but before another second could pass--

"PRAIRIE OYSTER! CHOP CHOP!" Yelled an annoyed Josh.

You both pulled away and grabbed the prairie oyster and walked up to Josh's room and opened the door.

"Ah. Veronica... and Jesse James. What a pleasant surprise." Josh taunted slightly. "Alright. Let's get this over with. Beg."

"Josh, I'm so sorry I-" You started.

"I'd prefer you did it on your knees. In front of your boy toy." Josh smirked.

"Look... I'm really sorry-" "Does it look like I'm kidding? DOWN." 

You got on your knees, feeling Eddie and Josh's gazes on you. "I'm sorry, Josh." 

"Fine. But you're still dead to me." Josh gritted through his teeth, standing up and taking the mug and taking a drink. You stand up. Josh starts choking, dropping the mug causing it to shatter. He leaned onto you. "Corn... nuts..." He wheezed before hitting the ground. "Josh!?" You gasped before running to the mug to see what had spilled.

"HOLY SHIT!" Exclaimed Eddie, looking at Josh's dead body. 

"Oh my god... Oh my god..." You start seeing the blue drain cleaner. You run and kneel next to Josh. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE CALL 911!" You say. "It's a little late for that." Eddie said weirdly calm. "Josh? Josh??" You ask, shaking his shoulders, checking his pulse.


"And your worst enemy." Adds Eddie.

"SAME DIFFERENCE!" You growled at him.

Eddie started looking around Josh's room.

"The police are gonna think I did this on purpose!"

"Look... She was reading 'The Bell Jar!'" Says Eddie, clearly faking enthusiasm. He placed the book in Josh's hand. You caught on what he was trying to say. "No..." Your voice shook. "Yes. You can fake her hand writing. Make it something deep. Like 'I had pain in my path... my problems were myriad--"

"I was having my period." You snarled, rhyming with what Eddie was saying. Then you started laughing.

After a few minutes of laughter, you see Josh's dead body again, glancing at the floor. "OH MY GOD!" You shrieked. Eddie kneels next to you and shakes your shoulders. "YOU COULD GO TO JAIL! GET YOUR HEAD STRAIGHT WITH ME NOW!" Eddie yelled. "Okay, okay! Uhm, Josh wouldn't use the word "Myriad" because he missed it on his vocab list last week." You say.

"So it's a flaw in his school records. Work. With. Me." Eddie said firmly. "But where do I start?" You asked.

"Think. Long and hard. What would he say-- what would he say to a careless unforgiving world?" Eddie asked, handing you a piece of paper and pen from his large pocket from his trench coat.


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