The Last Day (Bonus)

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Percy's pov:

'Ollie, hurry up!' I shouted from the common room as I saw the brown haired boy rush down to the common room with his trunk.

I was still wrapping my head around that were seventeen now, and it was the last day at Hogwarts. After this, I'm most likely never going to see this school again.

The thought of it made me kind of sad, because it was a place that held so many amazing memorys.

It was the place I learnt my first spell at, the place that I became prefect for, and most importantly, the place I met Oliver.

If it wasn't for Hogwarts, it may be that we never would've met. I'm so greatful for that, because now I have the most perfect boy in the world all for myself.

There was something else that bothered me more. It was the fact that I had the horrible feeling that things were going to end between me and Ollie after we leave. I mean, what if we loose contact? Or fall out of love? I never want that to happen.

I want to stay with him for the rest of my life. I wouldn't be able to handle it if he just, went away. I honestly can't believe that I survived before I met him. It's almost like I'm additcted to him. That sounds weird doesn't it?

'Calm down, darling', Oliver laughed as he walked over to me. 'So, everyone is suppost to meet up in the Great Hall, correct?'.

I nodded. 'Yes, it is'.

'Okay, let's go say goodbye to everyone then?' He questioned. I nodded and we walked side by side out of the Gryffindor common room.

My eyes went to everything as we passed through the halls and down the moving staircase. I took my last glances at the things I was going to miss the most.

All the familier things and small things I never really payed attention to before. The paintings on the walls, the way the staircase moved, the younger students running around knowing that they'd come back the next year.

I was really going to miss this. Those kids were so lucky to be comming back next year. It was at that moment I realied how much I've grown. To how I look, my age and my smarts.

It was now that my real life started. It felt scary, knowing that I soon would be a grown up. That I would be having huger responsibilitys.

I started thinking that I didn't want that. I wanted to be the way I was at this time. I wanted to be able to make small mistakes, but be able to try again.

When I younger, it was my dream to grow up. To become an adult and have everybody respect me, but now. All I want is to be able to go back in time.

All the thoughts carfully made me starting to tear up as we almost had reached the Great Hall. I couldn't do it. It was to much for me.

I stopped in my tracks, and Oliver continued walking a step before noticing it. He turned around with a questioning look on his face.

His face softened and his lips slighty parted when he saw the fresh tears on my face.

The brown haired boy took my hands in his own and pulled me close to him. He brought up a hand to my cheek and slowly wiped away a tear. Although, it was no use, since a new one immediately replaced it.

'Perce, what's wrong?' He asked with a soothing voice. At that point I broke down. I couldn't hide how scared I was anymore.

'I-I can't do this O-Oliver..' I sobbed as I buried my head in his shoulder. He pulled be closer and wrapped his arms around me protectively.

'I'm s-scared, I'm s-so scared', I continued as tears continued rolling down my cheeks. Oliver continued holding me drawing circles on my pack to comfort me.

'What are you scared of, love?' He asked calmly.

'Everything', I responded. 'S-Scared that things will c-change'.

Oliver softened his grip around me just so little that he'd be able to look me in the eyes.

'Oh Perce..', he said. 'Things will change, but it's a part of life, and change doesn't neccecerily mean bad right?'.

I didn't say anything, I wanted him to continue to talk. I wanted to hear his voice, I wanted to remember it.

'I mean, look at your older brothers', he continued. 'They're doing great, right?'.

I thought for a moment. They were doing great. Charlie was working with dragons, and Bill was happy in egypt, and they're always visiting.

I felt a lot better because of Oliver. He always knew what to say, he knew exactly what to do to cheer me up.

That's my boyfriend. My fantastic, good looking and kind quidditch player. He always had a plan too. To become a star quidditch player. He's doing great.

I smiled slighty. 'Thank you, love'.

He grinned at me. 'So, ready to go down to the Great Hall?'.

I shook my head almost instantly. I wasn't ready, not yet. I just wished that you could rewind time-

Then a thought hit me. A time turner...

What if I went back to time? To a time where everything was colorful and happy.

Mcgonagall had a time turner in her office. She showed it to me when I became prefect, said I couldn't let any students take it.

I never really thought about it at first, but now? Now I have a chance to go back. It would be considered breaking a rule. However, what if I just went back for a day or two, and then went back?

Just until I'm ready to face this day.

But...I didn't want to leave Oliver. He was the most imported person in my life, and that, even more important than my parents and siblings.

'Hey Ollie..', I questioned. 'Would you like to take a risk with me?'.

He raised an eyebrow suspiciously at me. 'Percy Wealsey taking a risk?'.

'What is it you want to do?' He asked. 'Not something dangerous is it?'.

I considered not telling him and letting it go, but I couldn't. I had to give it a try.

'Want to go back in time?'

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