Summer Break Letters

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Percy's pov:

'Percy what are you doing in there?' Fred yelled knocking on my door.

'I'm studying Fred, I would appreciate if you left', I responded annoyed.

'Come on Percy, you've been in there this whole summer!' Fred complained.

'Leave Fred', I answerd.

'Fine', he said. I heard footsteps go down the stairs and let out a sigh.

Why do my sibilings always have to bother me, I just want some alone time. 

I sighed once again and grabbed a piece of paper, I decided to write a letter to someone, but who? I thought for a minute. Then one person came to mind. Oliver Wood. He was my bestfriend so it wouldn't seem weird, but every time I write something to him I end up starting over a bunch of times. I wanted to write the perfect letter and use the right words. I don't know why, but I just have to.

I decided to write a letter to Oliver because I couldn't think of anyone else. I took my pencil and started writing.

Dear Oliver,

Is that a good way to start? No, that sounds a bit weird, it's like writing a letter to a family member. I quickly erased it and started over again.

After a bunch of re-dos I was finally finished and pleased. I read it to myslef in my head once again to be sure.

Hi Ollie,

It's me, Percy Weasley. I was just wondering what you we're doing and how you are. Sorry I haven't written to you, I've just been so busy with studying. I know I know, it's summer break, but you know I'm working for the ministry and they give out a lot of paperwork. I'll try to write to you more often though. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to come over, maybe Saturday? I was hoping we could catch up, I miss you.

Write back to me soon,


I smiled, grabbed an envelope and slid the paper inside of it. I stood up an brought the envelope downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother cooking.

'Hello dear', she said when she saw me.

'Hello mom', I answerd.

'Who did you write to?' She asked.

'What?' I asked.

'The letter in your hand', she responded pointing at the envelope in my hand.

'Oh just a friend', I answerd.

'Which one?' She asked.

'Oliver', I responded.

'That's nice dear, did you ask if he wanted to visit us?' She asked. 'It would be lovely to see him agaim'.

'I actually did', I answerd.

'That's very kind', she said with a smile. I smiled back and nodded before walking away looking for Hermes.

Hermes was my owl, mom and dad brought him for me when I become a prefect.

I looked around trying to find him, but I couldn't find him. I spotted Ron in the garden and walked to him.

'Ron, have you seen Hermes?' I asked. His eyes widened and he scratched the back of his neck.

'About him ehm, funny actually', he said nervously. I narrowed my eyebrows.

'Ron, where is he?' I asked firmly.

'I-I borrowed him', he answerd.

'You borrowed him and didn't ask me for permission?!' I hissed.

'Well, you wouldn't lend him to me!' Ron exclaimed. I groaned.

'Ron, I need him, what am I supposed to do now?!' I asked.

'You can borrow Errol', Ron suggested.

'That owl will get lost or something', I answerd.

'Sorry Percy, I can't do anything about it now', Ron apolagized.

'It's fine, just don't do ut again', I sighed. Ron nodded and I headed inside again. I went over to Errols cage and opened it. I held the envelope in front of him and he grabbed it with his beak.

'Alright Errol, send it to Oliver and don't mess up', I mumbled. I opened the window and Errol flew out. I sighed again and headed up the stairs, into my room. I fell down onto my bed and layed down, staring at the ceiling.

The next day

I was sitting at the table eating lunch with my my parents and sibilings, when suddently we heard something. I turned to the window and saw Errol flying towards it. CRASH!

Errol crashed into the glass and fell down.

'Great..', I thought.

'George, could you fetch those for us please?' Mom asked.

'Sure', George answerd as he stood up and headed towards the window. He opened it up and Errol jumped onto the window sill. George took the letters he had and walked over to the table again. He started handing out a bunch of letters, many from our friends. George handed out three envelopes to me as the others started reading theirs from their friends out loud. I stared down at the envelopes, two of them was from the Ministry Of Magic. I looked at the third one and read what was written on the envelope.

To Percy Weasley,

I turned it over to read who it was from.

From Oliver Wood,

I smiled. He wrote back.

When I finished eating I headed back upstairs into my room. I sat down on my chair in front of my desk, eagar to read the letter from Oliver I quickly opened the envelope and took out the letter inside of it. I folded it open and started reading the familier hadwriting of my best friend.

Hey Perce,

Thanks for writing to me, but maybe you should use another owl next time. Anyway, it's okay, I haven't written to you all summer either right? Well until now of course. I've been busy with quidditch stuff as usual, I'm getting better everytime I practice, best Keeper ever am I right? Well, I've missed you too and I would love to come over on Saturday. I look forward until then, can't wait.

It will be nice to see you again,


A bright smile grew on my face as a read the letter.

Now I really couldn't wait until Saturday..

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