Overwhelming Thoughts

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Oliver's pov:

I've barely talked to Percy the last week. I honestly think I've only spoken to him once today, but it was only a short conversation in the moring, saying goodmorning, or how are you doing? It's not my fault though, I've been very busy with quidditch stuff and I've been trying to study so I can pass my classes. I have to admit it, I do miss him. In fact, hes the only thing I've been thinking about today. I couldn't even focus on quidditch practice, I was overthinking to much.

I've made my choice, I'm going to hang out with him later. Maybe he can even help me study? Yes, you're a genius Oliver!

5 hours later (7.30 pm)

I quickly rushed up the stairs and headed to the common room. When I entered the common room nearly anyone was around. Only a few Gryffindors we're there, but hey, at least the person I was looking for was there. I look over to the couch and see a ginger haird boy sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, he seemed to be reading something. That would be normal since, hes Percy. I carfully headed over to him and sat down next to him. He noticed me sitting down and looked up from the book he was reading.

'Hey perce', I greeted him with a friendly smile.

'Hey Ollie', he answerd smiling as well. 'Need something?'.

'Well, I was wondering if you could help me study', I said. 'Wouldn't want me to fail classes would you?'. Percy scoffed rolling his eyes playfully.

'Sure I'll help, which class?' He questioned.

'Let's see, every class except flying class', I sighed.

'Alright well, let's start with charms', Percy suggested. I nodded and brought out a book about charms. He got closer to me and started talking about charms and explaining spells. Of course, it was difficult to focus with the ginger haired boy that I have a crush sitting so close to me, but I tried my best to focus and listen to him.

3 hours later

We decided to stop studying since we both we're getting very tierd. Percy yawned and looked so adorable. He was very tired and his head fell down onto my shoulder. I looked at him and wrapped my arms around him.

'Awh, hes such a cutie', I thought. I ended up zoning out as I admired the adorable ginger haired boy cuddled up next to me.

'Maybe I should bring him up to our dorm so he can sleep more comfortably', I thought to myself. I picked up the ginger haired boy in bridal-style and headed up the stairs, very carfully so I didn't wake him up. I unlocked the door, walked inside and slowly closed the door behind me before placing him down on his bed. I pulled a blanket over him and was just about to leave when he grabbed the hem of my sleeve.

'S-Stay please', he wispered quietly. I blushed and smiled at him.

'Are you sure?' I asked. He nodded and I carfully climbed onto the bed next to him. I layed down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I felt Percy move closer to me and suddently he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my chest. I automatically wrapped my arms around him in respons and smiled even wider.

Hes so adorable, these are the moments I wish he was mine. In fact, I always wish he was mine but..eh..you get it.

'Goodnight Perce', I wispered to Percy.

'Night Ollie', The ginger mumbled in response. I closed my eyes, feeling my breathinh starting to steady itself and falling asleep.

The next morning

The sun shone through the windows and I felt myself waking up, feeling more aware of my suroundings. I look down and see a ginger haired boy lying next to me. I remembered that he wanted me to stay and that I did. I started thinking. Do ordinary friends do this? Maybe not, but me and Percy didn't have an ordinary friendship. I knew that from the begining, we've always been very close and I love it. Everything was perfect, but a part of me feels like it isn't enough to be just friends. I want to be more than jusg friends, more than best friends. I want to be his lover, his boyfriend. Hell, I would love for that to happen, but I knew the chance of that was a one in a million or something similar.

What if it does work out? What if he likes me too? If he did and I told him, would we be in a relationship? If I would've told him earlier, would we be in a relationship now? But what if he doesn't like me? What if I told him, and he told me he didn't like me back? Would that ruin our friendship? Would it be the end? What if he hates me for it? What if we still end up being friends, but what if we don't have the type of relationship we have now anymore?

The questions we're flooding through my head, and I didn't have any answers. All of these feelings confused me and made me feel a bit dizzy.

Why does love have to be this difficult?

I get this constant overwhelming feeling of joy when I'm with him, but when he leaves I fell like somethings missing. Hes like my other halv, my better halv. He always know what to say and what to do to cheer me up, that's one of the things I love about him. Of course, there are a lot of other things that made me fall in love with him. I think I would be writing for years if I we're to write up everything I love about him and everything that makes me fall for him. Everyday, he somehow manages to make me fall for him more and more, and I'm stuck with one main thought all day.

Does he feel the same way about me?

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