Harsh Words

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Percy's pov:

People often call me a git, heartless or something like that. I usually don't let it bother me, but lately I've been feeling a bit down. It's hard to ignore peoples harsh comments. Like yesterday, I was reading in the library when a group of students my age came up to me and said...well...not very friendly things.


I just wanted to sit in the library and read a book in peace after a rough day. The weekends had begun, so I didn't work as much as I used to. I walked over to the table and sat down, immediately burying my nose in the book.

'Hey Weasel', I heard a voice say. I turn to my right and see a student in my year and a couple of other ones standing there.

'Yes?' I asked.

'Why are you reading?' They asked. 'It's the weekends'.

'I just like reading', I replied.

'That's pathetic, normal people go out and have fun', they scoffed back. 'But of course, your not normal am I right?'. I looked at them confused.

'You're the prefect, the perfect boy', they continued sarcasticly. 'Let's face it git, you'll never be perfect. No matter how hard you try, you are just the git that everyone hates'.

I turned back to my book and tried to ignore them, but those words hurt a bit. Okay maybe not a bit. A lot..

'Hes so usless', I heard a girl in the group wisper.

'I hate him so much, hes a selfish idiot', I heard someone wisper. I started to feel the tears build up in my eyes and quickly closed the book shut. I got up and ran up to the common room, then into my dorm and just jumped into my bed an started sobbing lightly. The words we're reapeting in my head over and over again, stinging more hurful for every time the words we're repeated.

End of flashback

I got interrupted in my thoughts when I heard two familier voices yelling after me.

'Percy!' The voices exclaimed in unison. I sighed and turned to see Fred and George heading towards me.

'What do you two want?' I questioned when they reached me.

'We want you to come over to the quidditch pitch and judge us', George responded.

'No', I answerd.

'Why not?' Fred asked. 'It's not like you're doing anything'.

'Can't you ask someone else?' I groaned.

'No, because you're the only one who'll truly judge us', Fred said.

'What do you mean?' I asked looking at them in confusion.

'The others will just cheer on us and tell us that we're awsome', George started. 'But you'll actually judge us and give up feedback'. I sighed and thought for a while.

'What about Oliver, can't you ask him?' I questioned. Fred and George looked at each other.

'What?' I asked.

'Er- we kind of want to try out being Keepers', they answerd. 'And we know Oliver wouldn't be to happy about that'.

'Keepers?' I scoffed.

'Hey come on, you haven't even seen us yet!' Fred exclaimed.

'Alright fine I'll come', I sighed. Fred and George gave each other a victory high five and dragged me over to the quidditch pitch. I went over to the stands and sat down in the front.

'Astonish me', I said. Fred and George smirked and Fred headed over to the quidditch hoops. They switched turns trying to be a Keeper and I'm not going to lie, they are actually suprisingly good. Though, they are still not as good as Oliver.

'What do you think Percy?' George questioned.

'You two are actually pretty good', I admited.

'Told you!' Fred exclaimed messing around on his broom. 'Maybe whe'll end up being the new captains of the Gryffindor team!'.

'Really, you two?' I questioned.

'Of course, we would be great at it!' George responded now also messing around on his broom.

'Mhm, you think you can come up with brilliant ideas for a new quidditch plan or tactic?' I asked.

'It can't be that difficult', Fred said.

'It is', I started. 'Oliver sits up for hours trying to find new tactics and plans. Imagine, sitting in the library for hours'. Fred and George almost stumbled off their brooms and looked at each other.

'Nevermind', they both said at the same time.

'Anyway, about you and Oliver', George started smirking. Oh no, I already know where this is going.

'Come on Percy just admit it, you fancy him', Fred continued.

'I do not fancy him!' I exclaimed.

'Sureeee', they said union rolling their eyes. 'You're so incredibly in loveee'.

'Again, I don't fancy him!' I said.

'Who fancys who?' I heard a voice ask. I jump and turn to the voice. Of course Oliver is here...

'N-No one!' I responded quickly. 'H-How much did you hear?'.

'I just came, only heard someone saying someone fancys something', he answerd. I sighed in relief and glared at the twins, who we're just smirking.

'Wait what?' Oliver questioned. 'Tell me, I'm curious now'.

'Well-', George started but I immediately cut him off.

'Don't. You. Dare', I said glaring at the twins.

'Fineee!' They both answerd in unison, rolling they're eyes playfully before flying away.

'What was that about?' Oliver asked me.

'Don't worry about it', I responded quickly.

'Okay anyway, I've been looking for you', Oliver continued.

'Why?' I questioned.

'Well, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me', he answerd.

'Yeah sure', I said happily.

'Great, come on then', Oliver continued offering me a hand. I smiled and obviously accepted his hand.

We walked down from the quidditch stands and headed down to the great lake. We we're no longer holding hands but our arms brushed slightly against each others occasionally.

After a few minutes we reached the lake, we went over to a area with lots of grass and sat down up against a large tree. It was very warm outside and the sun was shining brightly, not at all like last week. We sat there side by side staring over the lake. We weren't exactly talking much, but it didn't matter to me because Oliver was here with me.

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