"How did you not get arrested?" Ryan wondered, Eliza broke into a smile.

"I did, twice, I can't recall what happened to them, did I throw them in front of a train, or was it a bus, no, it was the annoying pedestrian I threw in front of a train, the bus was the cops." She explained, piecing it all together in her head. They stood too shocked to say anything.

"Why is there six of you?" She asked curiously, ok, now she was definitely not in her right mind, only three of them stood there, they looked at each other confused. Peter emerged from the kitchen, with his own drink.

"There's more of you?" She gasped, Peter couldn't help but laugh, she was completely smashed.

"You need to- I don't even know what you need." James exasperated, contorting his face into frustration.

"Mental help?" Peter offered, staring at her as he gulped down his own drink and then snatched Eliza's once his own had gone. Eliza didn't even register the bottle had gone until after a few seconds. She seemed too preoccupied to care.

"I can't tell if it's the alcohol or the amount of blood you've drunk that's made you tilt." Adam concluded, Eliza pointed out he finger to answer, but she honestly didn't know.

"Who even serves a kid alcohol, or have you broken more human laws?" James expressed, turning around almost having enough of seeing his cousin like this.

"Pfft...Jessie thought I needed a drink after my exciting turn of events. They weren't that exciting by the way." She corrected, their face narrowed.

"How do you even end up in these places?!" Adam almost yelled, Eliza thought for a moment, then replied.

"Vampires never use doors "

They now looked as If Peter might be right, and that she did need some mental help, because if she was like this drunk, what was she like sober?

Eliza's POV

I was in a mix of what I was feeling, something like I wasn't feeling at all, and feeling nothing but emptiness, and I wasn't comfortable with it, I thought maybe a few drinks, some murder and a little family talk would fix it, but I still had enough energy to defeat an army.

I stared at these twelve boys, strange I didn't think I had twelve family members in one house? In fact it looked like four sets of identical twins. Maybe I might have gone a bit over with my drinking of both the red stuff and the liquor, but I can't deny the amount of fun I had, the other me was such a killjoy, everything done by the books and rules. Useless.

"Who made you kill?" Adam questioned, his jaw tight and his eyes narrowed, I exaggerated my thinking by tapping on my chin.

"I believe it was Dante, but if the girl hadn't tripped in the first place," I looked over to the body. "I expect the boring Eliza that you love would still be here, but too late now, I'm in charge." I growled, they seemed disappointed and frustrated, I clicked my tongue waiting for something to happen, but it turned out to be me who spoke first, I stumbled slightly in my state.

"Any other questions?" I craned out my neck, waiting for them to ask or not. It was blissfully silent, I nodded in approval. "Good, now...what is there to do around here?"

They stared blankly at me, I smiled innocently, Adam's face was priceless, he honestly looked like he just wanted to snap my neck.

"Fine, if you are not going to contribute to this group session I will find something myself." I sighed, wavering the useless people away. I stepped towards them, making my way towards the stairs. "Ciao."

My phone bleeped in my pocket, I frowned, who wants to text me? In fact who even has my number?

I stopped and pulled out my phone. I raised an eyebrow, I certainly wasn't expecting Seth to text me. I clicked it open.

Normal Isn't In My Dictionary {Book 1 & 2}Where stories live. Discover now