She slowly left the bed and barefoot, leaving her ward to find the twin and manager.

"Cold cold." She whispers and tip toeing towards the sleeping dudes

"Hehehe my opportunity." She whispers and also lay down beside Satoru

Good thing that the couch that in front of her ward is big enough for three of them. She don't really mind about Satoru, the older is not stranger and they are close to each other.

Satoru is their older cousin, a lot older than them both but Satoru never let the big boss or Livia to expose their family relationships. It's enough for people to see them as the boss and the manager or the daugther and the father's duos.

Satoru act like a father to Livia because of his age and also he always been there for her, since she was still a kid.


Satoru open his eyes and look down to his left side. Livia is fast asleep beside him. He then look at Mikey who is sleeping on top of him. He smile at the twin, their behaviour still same as before.

"Why this twin is fast asleep with you?" Dazai ask with furrowed eyebrow, he just done with signing discharge paper at the receptionist and come back only to see the lady boss and Mikey are sleeping peacefully again with Satoru

"Mikey is tired, he refused to sleep in other ward's bed so he ended up sleep on top of me. But I don't know Nakano, maybe she snuck out from the ward only to sleep here again." Satoru explain and chuckle softly

"You make you look like you adopt them both." Dazai said

"Shut up, I'll adopt them both since they were kids okay?" Satoru said, rolling his eyes

"Oh, I'm really glad that Nakano or Mikey didn't act immoral like you. It just that Nakano is a sweet tooth, maybe you are the reason why she's like that." Dazai said, sticking out his tongue at the white hair man

"I feed her a lot of candy and sweet foods back then." Satoru said shrugging, don't even deny Dazai's words at all

Dazai roll his eyes and left the three of them alone. He need to do something else before Nakano wake up.


"What the..?" Izana speechless at the sight before him after he opened the mansion door

Satoru wave his hand as he walk inside casually with Mikey on his back, still sleeping and dragging Nakano with him who is still sleepy. Did he just forced Nakano to walk on her own in that sleepy state? Izana ask, mumbling to himself as he closed the door.

"Izana-kun, the twin is still sleepy but I need to go now." Satoru said as he put Mikey's on the sofa and make Nakano lay down on the other sofa

"Don't go, Satoru I want candy.." Livia mumble as she rubs her eyes

"No, rest first." Izana said with serious tone

Livia pouts and close her eyes again. She don't understand why she needs to rest before eating candy? It's only candy! Livia thought to herself, sulking at that thought.

"Alright, look after them both Izana. I need to go now." Satoru said and left the mansion quickly before Nakano and Mikey stop him

Izana sigh and shake his head. The twin looks tired, Mikey even sleep so peacefully. Did Osanai hit his head really bad to the point that Mikey don't even care about his dorayaki and just sleep these days?

"Eh? Mikey and Nakano are back." Emma said, tilting her head

"Yeah, Satoru brought them back a moment ago. Anyways, where's Shinichiro?" He ask the youngest

"Dealing with a small delinquent gangs. I don't know which gang." Emma said shrugging

Izana only nods his head and sigh tiredly. He's been thinking about Tenjiku, should he just ask Nakano to let his gang merge with Black Crow? Tenjiku is not part of Black Crow because of the gang's past. Now that he's the president of that gang maybe he could ask?

But he knows, even if Tenjiku is under Black Crow's command, nothing really change. They only need protection from Black Crow and the chances for the members to grow is big. Nonetheless, he doesn't want to take Nakano for granted. Nakano is his sister so it's a bad idea for him to take her for granted. Nakano would go berserk if she finds out if he do that and that's scary.

Of course Nakano that sleeping just now is a cinnamon roll but when she's angry or in working mode, the cinnamon roll could kill without any hesitation. Her personality easily change depends on her surroundings. Different with Mikey, well not really. Both are similar, it's just that Mikey is not easily get angry unless someone dare to hurt people that he adores, love and care.

"Hah, there's no difference." He whispers to himself


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