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Livia sigh and look at the person in front of her. She don't really understand why the person blocked her way. She frown slightly and without saying anything she swing few kicks at the person, well a boy to be exact. She just don't know his identity.

"Next time, don't blocked my way." She mumble as she put her hands in her coat pockets and just casually walk away, leaving the boy behind

"Pretty random, that boy probably got traumatized to block others way now." Satoru comment as he ruffle his white hair lazily

"I don't care." Livia said, shrugging

"Hey, how about we go to the salon?" Satoru suggest

"Huh? Why salon though?" Livia ask, confuse

"To dye your hair! I honestly think you will look cool with your hair colour." Satoru said, grinning widely

"Which colour do you think?" Livia ask as she twirl her hair with her fingers

"How about white with some pink highlights?" Satoru suggest

"Not bad not bad. So let's go there. You drive." She said as she toss her car key to the manager

The idea of Satoru is pretty random for her, maybe she needs to change her look once in a while? Yuko probably will nag her for dying her hair and Kai would just listen to Yuko's nagging silently. She just know that will happen, maybe dragging Satoru to listen to her nags later would be good. That's his idea after all.


"Oi Mikey! Wake up now wake up!" Izana said, as he hit Mikey with some pillow

"I still want to sleep. Go away!" Mikey whine

"Yeah no Mikey, it's 12 in the afternoon! What if Nakano come back and see you still sleeping?! She would drag you out of the bed without any hesitation at all!" Izana said rolling his eyes in annoyance

"Sigh, Mikey wake up. Nakano wouldn't like it if her bed still in mess." Yuko said, showing up at the door frame

Mikey sleepily sit up on the bed, still hugging the pillow. He usually would throw tantrums if someone bothering his sleep but thinking that he's sleeping in his twin's room making him surrender and just wake up. He wouldn't want his twin to drag him out of the bed, that's painful.

"Izana, can you carry me? I can't walk." Mikey ask with closed eyes

Izana sigh and massage his temples. A kid that is a president of Toman asking him to carry him only because he can't walk after wake up?

"Izana.." Mikey mumble and start to dozing off in sitting position again

Izana sigh in defeat and immediately carry Mikey out of Nakano's room. Good thing that the younger is not heavy at all.

"You such a baby, but you still need me to carry you." Izana complain

He put Mikey on the bed and leave the room. He need to wait for the younger to naturally awake by his own or else he will throw tantrums or being grumpy all day. It's just enough for him to wake him up before.


Izana reached a place where him and his gang meeting. He stare blankly at his comrades and subordinates.

"What's up with the blank stare Izana?" Kakucho Hitto ask

Izana look at his comrades and shrugs a little. He don't have any answer for that question either. He just don't feel right after he left the house.

He's only thinking about two things, one Mikey is a Toman president. Two, Nakano is the president of Black Crow, the strongest and the biggest gang across the Asia and Europe. The twins are strong in their own way to the point that it's useless to go against both of them.

But he still resent them both a little bit for leaving him alone in Philippines. But another thoughts that surface in his mind, Nakano was also left alone before. She was all alone in Italy without any family members for three years, only comrades and subordinates with her but she never complain about it after she came back to Japan.

Compared to him who stayed in Philippines for two years. His crave for family only in vain which turning him into ruthless and cruel. He fought with Mikey's group but lost because Mikey is more sharper than him and also could read his moves in short amount of times. Usually no one could read his close combat moves but it's different with Mikey, he could read it easily, perhaps it's the same thing with Nakano.

He haven't got any chance to fight the female twin yet. Maybe it would be fun to fight with her.

"Oi Izana. There's someone is looking for you!" one of his comrades, Shion tell him, snapping him out from his deep thoughts

He tilt his head and look at the person. Well he almost couldn't tell who because of the difference appearance but now he could only hide his small smile, not gonna let his comrades and subordinates to see his smile.

"Nakano, what are you doing here?" He ask the younger girl

"Oh? I saw you so I come here!" Livia said with a smile plastered on her face

Izana only nods his head and approach the girl. The girl changed her hair colour and it's a unique colour. White with pink highlights. To be honest, it's suit her.

He ruffle her hair and smile a little.

"This colour looks good on you. But I don't think your assistants would be happy for it in a while." He said

"It's Satoru's idea! So blame him. Not me." Livia said, shrugging her shoulders

"Alright alright. I suppose you don't have anything to do right now. So just stay here." Izana said, smiling softly

While on other hand, his comrades and subordinates are all shock, some terrified because their president is soft talking to a girl?! Where's the cold, cruel and ruthless Izana Kurokawa?!

"Who is she?" Kakucho ask with furrowed eyebrow

"She's my lil girl so don't you dare to do something. I won't promise anything to you because she's dangerous. More dangerous than me." Izana said

"Really? Can I try?" Kakucho ask smirking

"Step one more forward. You'll end up on the ground or in the hospital." Livia said with a cold tone which startling Kakucho because a moment ago her voice wasn't cold like that

But does he listen? No, he step one more forward to Livia.

"So you have chosen death." Livia mumble and kick Kakucho on his temples with a force

Kakucho widening his head and hiss at the sudden pain in his head. How can a girl kick like that?! It's somehow reminds him of Mikey's kicking style. Mikey would targeted others on the head before anything else. If the opponent is slow, then they would receive some damage on their temple.

"I told you." Izana said, shrugging his shoulder, don't really care about Kakucho because he already warned him before

Livia shrugs and ignore Kakucho. She would always trick her opponent during the real fight but for something like this, she would use Mikey's kicking style which targeting temple and head. It's not an easy job if they are not flexible enough to do that.

Flexibility is a must in any fight. Others couldn't predict her moves easily. That's her special tricks.


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